Chapter 18

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      I just want to focus on tonight and what is happening now. We stay up late into the night before the guests start clearing out and heading home to go to bed. Alanis is the last guest left not wanting to leave. 
      I convince her though and she leaves the castle. I see a tear run down her cheek. I try to ignore the guilt in my heart as I close the heavy castle doors.
       "I don't want to leave, but I want to go home." I say. He nods his head understanding. I walk away still unsure of what to do. How can anyone make such a hard decision in such a short period of time?
      I go to bed but I can't sleep. I stay up all night thinking about what to do and when the sun comes over the horizon shining in I still don't know. I kinda wish I never knew about this place.
      I wish I still thought my dad didn't care so I wouldn't have to break his heart like it was when my mom left.
      I wish I was back at home in the trees, the smell of saltwater and seaweed up my nose, the wind ruffling my hair end clothes as I lay there on the branch with my eyes closed. I wish I was still at school with my friends getting in trouble for stupid little things such as talking in class or throwing a pencil.
        I wish I was at home listening to the cat pur, and the smell of my mom actually getting a day off and baking. I wish that I never herd of Dexter, Flame, henchmen, and being a prince. I wish I could tell my friends all about this.
       I finally drag myself out of bed for breakfast. He is sitting there but he isn't alone. The whole castle is. The tailors, maids, cooks, servants, everyone. They all look at me. I sit at the table.
      "What is going on?" I ask finally.
      "You said if you don't like the rules then change it. So I did. From now on we all eat in the same area." My dad says to me. They all start cheering and clapping, I smile. I didn't think he would do it, but he did.
       We all eat breakfast together. When we are done I get dressed in the clothes I came here in. I go to the throne room. He is sitting there pondering looking at the wall.
     "You don't want to leave either place." He says.
      "Well I have a solution." He says. "If you want it." He shrugs his shoulders. "Sure, I will look at it." I say and he gets up. He walks out the the room and I wait for him. After what seems like forever he comes back. In his hands he holds a small watch. He hands it to me.
       "How is this going to help me?" I ask him.
       "It's like mine only in the form of a watch. Take it with you, you can talk to me anytime you want to, hit this button and it will send you here.
      You can come stay with me any time you want to. It looks like a watch so you can wear it all the time. It is water proof and can't be broken. No one but you, your mom, and I have to know what it really is. It is your choice." He says to me, I smile at him.
        "Sounds good." I say to him. I take the watch and put it on. I tap the button and close my eyes. When I open them I am back in the trees at home. The sun shining and the breeze blowing. Waves crash on the shore and the sound of children laughing fill my ears.
       I smile, I wonder if it was a dream. I look at my wrist. Nope, it wasn't a dream. I sit up and look on the beach. Kids laugh and scream, not even knowing I am sitting here. I climb the branches down and jump onto the ground. I run across the sand and jump the fence.
       I run up the back yard and into the back door. My mom sitting at the table she looks up and smiles at me. I hug her, no longer mad at her. She holds me for a little bit before she finally lets me go and looks at me.
      "I did it mom. I saved Dexter." I say.
      "I knew you could." I am just happy to be home. One month later, I have never told my friends why I was gone and what happened.
       They think I was out sick and that's okay with me. They don't know about my dad and that he is back in my life. I visit him after school for a couple hours, or days when I am on Dexter and go home. My mom talks to him but hasn't gone to see him. I haven't seen Alanis though. I stand at the school yard up against the brick building with my friends.
     "What are you doing this weekend?" One of my friends asks me.
     "I am staying with my dad." I say, their jaws almost go to the floor.
      "I thought he didn't care about you." Another one of my friends say.
     "Yeah, well he found me and apologized, I get to see him on weekends and after school sometimes." I say to them, they nods their heads. Finally we go our separate ways and I walk home. My mom is there. I keep my backpack on me to do homework while I am there. She hugs me.
       "Be back Sunday, and get your homework done. You have a month while you are there. Call me to." She says to me.
     "I know mom I got it." I say to her. She shakes her head and hugs me. I hit the button on my watch and close my eyes. I open them to find that I am on Dexter in front of the castle. My dad is standing there. I give him a hug and we go inside. I put my backpack in my room and he come in.
      "I want to show you something. You up for a flight?" He asks me and I nod my head. We go to the ship and shock is waiting there with Thunder ready to go. We get on and the heavy metal door closes. We fly for a while until Shock stops the ship.
      We go to the window and below I can't believe what I see. The area that as once Flame's looks just like every other part of Dexter. Houses lined the streets and rock paved the way. Parks, buildings, schools, and stores all lined the roads. It is amazing.
       Kids run in yards and play catch with balls and gloves. Teenagers walk on the sidewalks talking to their friends and adults go for a walk talking about work and their kids.
     "This is amazing." I say to him.
     "Yes it is. This area has provided a home for everyone on Dexter no one is homeless. Not only did you save the planet, but you helped all these people at well." He says, I can't believe what I am hearing. How could I do this? I am just one person. One individual just doing what I have to do as the prince of Dexter.
       "I don't believe it." I say, he just smiles at me. We go back to the castle and when we land I know I have to go see Alanis. He looks at me.
"Go." He says, I smile and run to the gate. I climb the rock and jump it. I land on my feet and run to the trees.
      I jump through them like a monkey to get to her house faster. I see it. I go the front door and knock on it. Her mom comes to the door. She bows to me seeing who I am.
       "There is no need for that, I just want to know if Alanis is home." I say. She nods her head and calls for her. Alanis comes down the stairs and sees me. She runs to me and hugs me.
       "What took you so long?" She asks me.
       "I don't really know." I say to her, I have no excuse. She doesn't do anything to me though.
       "Come to the castle with me." I say to her, she nods her head. I change into my alien form and she hops on my back. I run making long strides to the castle. She laughs as the wind flies by us.
       We get to the castle and I set her down, I change back and we go into the castle. We out on roller skates and skate through the entrance of the castle. We swerve around the maids and cooks. We scare Shock and he falls over. We all laugh and I help him up. She doesn't ask how long I will be staying. She knows she has a little bit though because of the huge time difference. We skate through the throne room and the kitchen.
       We go outback and skate there as well. When the sun starts going down I take her home for dinner. I go back to the castle. We eat dinner as well with the maids and cooks. They all sit at the table and we all have dinner together. That is how it has been since I left and that's how it is staying.
        He isn't as lonely when I am not here with them all siting with him and he ain't as quiet. He enjoys it actually. Once dinner is over my maid makes me shower then I will go to the throne room.
        Almus knows that I will just kick him out so he gets my clothes and everything all ready. He leaves the room once it is all ready. I call my mom like she asked. She knows about Alanis and is glad I have a friend here. When I am done calling her I go to the throne room. My dad is waiting for me he has a controller in his hand.
       "You know, we never finished that game right? It was a tie breaker." He says to me and I nod my head.
      "I know."
      "Wanna see who is better at it?" He ask me. I take the controller from his hands.
"You're going down."

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