Chapter 5

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     "Stay safe, I will be home soon, and I won't let you down." I say she nods her head she understands that I have to do this. I hang up and hand the bracelet back to my dad. He looks at me. "What do we do know?" I ask him.
     "Well you will get fed and rested. Then we start training." He says clipping his bracelet back into his wrist. "I am sorry Rebel." He says it and he means it. I can tell by his voice.
      "I forgive you, no more secrets." I say, he nods his head. We go outback in order to see the training course. "There is three suns." I say to him.
     "Yeah, three suns and three moons." He says to me.
     "What training do I need?" I ask him. He takes a little bit before answering.
     "You are good and flipping around and doing tricks. I watch over you and you are every fast. Right now you just need to learn how to turn into your alien form and control it." He says.
     A chill runs through me at the thought of what would happen if I didn't control it. I refuse to think about it at the moment.
     "How do you turn into an alien?" I ask him.
     "Well you just do. The trick is to find out what triggers it. Kinda like the Hulk. When he gets angry he transforms. We need to find what triggers you for you to change and then from there it will get easier." He says and that gives me another chill.
     "When do we start?" I ask him.
     "We start tomorrow." He says to me as a cook comes out of the castle.
     "Master Zodiac, dinner is ready." She says to him. I find myself hungry but curious as to what they eat on Dexter. It isn't like Earth so I bet they don't just have pizza laying around, plus this is a castle. What kind of Lord or Master eats pizza?
I don't think they would serve pizza if Dexter even has it. We go to the dining room and take our seats at the table. A whole bunch of people come out of the kitchen with silver platters and plates.
Everything is laid out in front of us like an elaborate show. They move so smoothly as seeming to be on roller skates.
My food is placed on a plate in front of me. I feel out of place almost as though I'm a alien but a different kind, a kind that doesn't belong. When I am home we just eat what ever because my mom isn't home.
I end up cooking for myself or heating up leftovers from the night before. Tonight I am being served and it is all so weird to me as they put food on my plate.
My silverware is laid next to my plate with a big cloth napkin under it. I have never even seen any of this before. My dad starts laughing at the look I have on my face. It's all so new and I am so amazed by it.
Finally they all leave and go back to the kitchen and we eat our meal not really talking. Everything on my plate I have never seen before. I occasionally ask him what it is but the conversation doesn't go past that. I just hope that now we can have a father and son relationship.

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