Chapter 16

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His voice hoarse and raspy, hard to understand. I look at him.
"No, your time has run out." I say sticking a bomb to him. His body absorbing it like he is made out of some sort of tar. I take cover behind a piece of rubble. before it goes off.
When it does the creature lets out a horrible scream then black goo is sprayed all over the room. The other henchman comes at me lunging. I point my arm up and clench my fist.
My arm gun goes off and once again the creature lets out a horrid scream before it explodes and sprays more goo all over the room. I make another run for it running up the stairs. I don't see any more henchmen but out of a window, I can see Flame and his people on their way back.
He is mad. I keep going. I have no contact with my dad. I don't know if he is okay. I don't know anything other than I need to shut this thing down. I keep going and reach the top of the stairs. I open the door and inside I find three more henchmen.
I shouldn't be shocked or surprised, Flame isn't stupid and wouldn't leave this unguarded. They come at me seeing the blue on my uniform. I duck and roll out of the way making it so they run into each other and fall over like bowling pins.
I throw a bomb at them and one absorbs it into their back. Once again a loud screech I herd then it blows up.
Another one comes at me and I kick it in the gut. It falls back and I kick it once more. Its body smashing into the glass window before it falls the many, many, many feet down to its doom.
I don't have time to look before the last one comes at me. I kick it like I kicked the other one. It falls back and I shoot it with my arm gun. Once it sprays all over the walls I go to the main control system. It has a computer with a code to crack.
A bunch of letters and numbers. If I can crack it that's only the first part to stopping this. Just as I start figuring it out Flame comes in through the window. Three of his henchmen grab me and hold me down. They grab my shoulders and my arms.
"Rebel, nice to see you." He says, his eyes cold and dark like his henchmen. "You see, here is one thing you don't know about me. I can summon more henchmen by the tap of a finger to this watch on my wrist. Trying to stop me is useless." He says then he laughs at me. I give a wicked grin.
"Here is one thing you didn't know about me." I say as I kick his henchmen in the sides causing them to scream out and drop me. I land in my knee in a proposal position and grab my gun off my side. It looks like a Nerf gun but it is powerful. "I have a wicked aim."
I say before shooting it. It shoots his bracelet to pieces that go flying everywhere. Now with the bracelet destroyed all of the henchmen comes upstairs. They look like zombies.
"What have you done?" He asks me. A bunch of henchmen come up the stairs in huge waves because they have no control over them.
"You don't scare me, they don't scare me. You are the main control system. Not this thing." I say, he looks at me in disbelief.
"You are smarter than you look." He says. "But you wouldn't hurt your own uncle would you?" He says to me. "You are not my uncle. I have none." I say, I kick him in the gut and he falls back.
He just laughs at me and that makes me mad. It makes me so mad I feel a heat in my hands. It runs through my whole body. Then I feel my hands grow and my torso get longer. I close my eyes.
The transformation is fast and painless. I open my eyes and I am full of nothing but strength. The henchman come up and get in. They see him and now that he can't control them they just do whatever they want. They start attacking us.
I start fighting game off. It is so easy I can just throw them around like they are nothing. I now know why my dad said I am powerful in this form. Why Flame said all he needed was me to help him take over Dexter.
I leave Flame as ten of his own henchman attack him. When I am done I am so wore out I go back to human form. That is good enough for me but I better be quick.
They will give up on him and when they do I am next. I go to the control system and crack the code. They henchmen give up on Flame and start coming to me just as I had predicted. I climb to the top of a piece of rubble. I am cornered. Flame lays there laughing until his heart just stops beating. They are right up on me.
I duck down knowing that there is no way out. I put my arms over my head and wait for them to attack me but they don't. Everything gets quiet and I get the courage to look up. When I do I don't see henchmen I see people. Dazed and confused people.
They look around and look at their hands. They look at their arms and their legs. Their bodies. They look at everything about them.
"We are free." One says and they all start rejoicing. They make a huge noise. I have to get them out of here. The control system will explode.
When it does this whole place will go down. I start shoving them out yelling at them to leave the castle. They listen better than I thought they would. One of them recognizes me considering I am a copy of my dad.
They all file out and down the long stair case. I see my dad outside the broken window.
"Dad! Get them out of here." I say to him. He looks at me and nods his head. He starts leading them away. I turn around and the number one shows up on the control system.
I take a leap out of the window cutting my hands on the broken glass and sharp rocks. I grab another grappling hook and shoot it at a rock. It goes into the rock and stays rock solid.
When I am just about to hit the rock I swing out of the way. I let go of it with the force of being thrown all around by the pelting rain and wind.
The explosion of the castle, rubble, rock, and glass goes everywhere. I hit the ground hard not prepared for it. My head hits a rock and everything goes dark.

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