Chapter 2

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I walk into the front door to find my mom sitting on the couch in the same state she was in when I left this morning. She is still and in the same clothes she was in this morning.
Usually she is dressed and ready for work. She asks me how my day went and then she leaves for work. Today is different. She looks tired and depressed.
"Mom are you okay?" I ask just as I had this morning.
"Yeah, I think so." She says.
"I am going to go to the beach." I tell her.
"Be back by 6. There is something we need to talk about." She says to me.
"What about work?" I ask her.
"They don't need me today." She says, now I am really leaning to she lost her job. I nod my head and walk to my room. I change my clothes into shorts and a shirt. I put my shoes on and run outside.
I sprint across the yard and grab the top of the fence. I pull myself over it jumping it. I run across the sand and to the trees. I run through the small patch before I find my favorite one. I grab the branches and pull myself up with ease as I scale the branches to the top.
I look at the beach. Clouds start forming. I can tell that it's going to rain soon. I am the only one here at the moment. I watch the waves crash on the shore and the sand become smoother with each wave that comes along.
The clouds form around the sun and the air smells salty. I climb down to the tree half way. I sit on a branch and let the wind blow around me. I lay back so my legs are dangling over the sides. I put my hands behind my arms and lay there for about an hour.
My mind clear and I don't focus on anything other than the breeze, salt water, and the waves crashing onto the sand. I almost fall asleep but I remember what happened when I did that. I fell out of the tree and ended up in a cast. My mom didn't want me climbing trees anymore but I still do. She said as long as I don't fall asleep in them anymore she will be fine and I haven't fallen asleep since.
I look at the time in my phone it is only five o'clock. I go to the shore and take my shoes off and walk in the sand. I walk to the water and let the waves crash on me. I walk out farther until the water gets the bottoms of my shorts wet.
I watch the fish swim by and pick up shells. I look at them then put them back into the water. I walk in some more and find a huddle of clams. I leave them be and find some more fish, a pool of minos swim by me like I'm not even there. I pick one up and hold him. He squirms a little and I put him back with his school of fish and they all swim off.
I smile and watch the sun. I watch the clouds cover it then leave it. I go back to the shore and sit in the sand a little bit. I put my shoes back on and go back to the trees. I lay there for a while. I go back home and open the door. I am early that's for sure. I find her ready for work. I roll my eyes.
      "Rebel, one got sick and they do need me." She says to me. I roll my eyes once more and throw my hands up.
     "Okay, that's fine." I say, I don't know what to say anymore. I leave the room and let her walk out again. I was looking forward to spending time with her for the first time since school started. Now she is leaving yet again. I hear the door close and I am alone yet again.
I do my homework and make myself some dinner. The next day at school I am shoving my things into my locker when once again Anthony comes up to me.
"Do you like Addison?" He asks me.
"Why do you always ask me such stupid questions?" I ask him.
"I heard others saying it." He says to me.
"Well, maybe if you spent less time listening to rumors and more time on your work, you wouldn't have these issues." I say before slamming my locker shut.
     "Why are you being so brackish?" He asks me.
      "It's just been a little rough. To answer your" I walk away crossing my arms and going to lunch. Conner greets me at the table we sit at and so does John.
     "I'm skipping practice today." I tell them.
     "It was canceled." Conner says.
     "Why?" I ask them.
     "Well, there is a storm coming in. They just decided to cancel it. It's Friday anyway." Conner says, John couldn't tell me he doesn't play. That's fine by me though.
     "What's wrong?" John asks me clearly being able to tell by my lack of eating and quiet voice.
     "My mom got a day off and there was something she wanted to talk about. I went to the trees for a little after being kinda upset. I went back home and she left for work. Apparently one of the others got sick so she had to go in.
It's the first time since September she has gotten a day to spend with me and it's April. I was looking forward to it, then she left. I guess I am still upset about it. I don't know why, I should be use to it." I tell them. John knows the feeling. His dad gets him from school goes home changes and leaves again.
Conner is being raised by his grandparents after his mom and dad died in a car crash when he was 5. His mom was 6 months pregnant with his sister. Both his grandparents can retire. His grandpa is a teacher at the high school and loves his job to much to quit.
His grandma on the other hand had to retire do to sever arthritis after years of being a construction worker. We eat our lunch in silence then we go outside for recess. I sit on the bench and I don't do much.
Finally the bell rings and we all hurry inside to go to class yet again. When school lets out I skateboard home and when I get there she is home. A feeling of happiness finally fills my body.
     "How was school?" She asks me.
     "Good, its going to rain, I am going to the beach for a little bit." I say and she nods her head.
     "Be back by six." She says to me. I nod my head briefly before running out the back door and running through the yard then jumping the fence. The beach is empty yet again. I climb the trees and lay down in my favorite one before I close my eyes and listen to the breeze move the trees around.
The wind picks up, I sit up. My body freezes. I don't see anything the wind just picked up. A storm is coming so that would make sense though. Maybe I should go home. I think. I stand on the branch and look for the next one to jump to.
The wind gets stronger threatening to nock me off the branch and tumble all the way down. I crouch down and jump, but I don't fall. I stop in mid-air. My body now floating and the branch I was just on right at my feet. I try to reach it but I can't. I can't move. I'm frozen in the air.
I start to panic. I see the branches float away and I realize I am being lifted into the air. This isn't even real. How can this happen? My body fills with the most panic I have ever been filled with in my life.
I see the trees become small on the ground and the beach looks more like and ocean. I can hardly see the sand and the trees now look smaller than ever. I don't dare look up scared of what I will see if I do. My body feels weightless and I can't move my arms, legs, or even wiggle.
I can move my head though which I find odd. I close my eyes and prepare for the worst but all I feel is a prick in my neck and everything around me disappears.

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