Chapter 6

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Once we are done with dinner we go out side again. He shows me all around. This whole thing is weird. The meals are flipped and the sun sets a different way. I don't even know how one day here is an hour on earth.
My head starts hurting just thinking about it. Outside reminds me of home. Water, grass, sun, flowers, yet it all feels so different. It feels weird. The small dusty, iron red rocks outside reminds me that I am not at home. He shows me all around.
"Where do we train?" I ask him.
"In the castle training room." He says without looking at me. He just keep looking straight with his arms behind his back. I wonder if he ever smiles more than just once a day.
Just because he is king doesn't mean he can't smile or have fun. Maybe I am just jumping to conclusions, I need to wait a couple days. I wonder a lot at this moment.
All the thoughts and wonders make my head hurt once again. We go back inside and the tailor comes up to us. He says something to my dad in a language I cannot understand.
"Lets go your clothes are done." He says. If that is the case why didn't he just say that? How did they get done so fast? We go to the tailor room and they make me try the clothes on.
There is two outfits. One is a training outfit. One is pajamas. They look like clothes back on Earth. The training suit looked different. All it was was a shirt with a line that looked like a sash across it.
The pants are shorts. They are a little tighter than regular shorts.
The tailor says that they are tighter so that way they don't slow me down. They have blue stripes on the side. They are made out of a fiber that isn't found on Earth. I just go with it.
We go to my "room" and I place the clothes in my dresser. Dad makes me hang my training clothes up.
"Today you will learn the language." He says and I give him a confused look. "In order to communicate with most of the people in Dexter you need to know the language." He says and that makes more sense to me.
I am taken to a school room. This castle really has everything. He leaves me with the instructor of the lesson. I am given a notebook and a book filled with the language of the Dexterian people.
He hands me a weird looking pencil. It is bent funny with many zig zags in it. It isn't a wooden pencil either. It is mechanical and it takes me three minutes to figure out how to get the lead out to write.
I spend two hours learning the Dexterian language and only get as far as learning four words. I get frustrated. How am I suppose to be the prince of this planet if I can't communicate with anyone and know nothing about it?
The instructor tells me to be patient, I will get it. He did tell me his name it is so weird that I can't remember it. When I am done with my lesson I am shoved back into the tailor's room to put on some more clothes.
This makes me wonder how long I'm going to be here really. It's so weird here that they serve dinner, breakfast, then lunch. A hour and a half later I am served breakfast. I give my dad a weird look when he says we will be served breakfast next.
I tell him that on Earth we have breakfast as our first meal for the day then lunch and then dinner. He gives me a weird look then once again everything is brought out as it was before. With cooks, maids, and table setters moving all around us.
It makes me dizzy this time around watching them move. I eventually just close my eyes and wait for the sound of the door closing. Finally what I have been wondering all day finally happens. He laughs. He laughs at me.
I ignore it for a little bit but start laughing myself. I don't know why I am laughing but I am. I also spend the rest of the day trying on clothes.
Eventually he says that he has enough that I don't need to try them on any more and I breathe a sigh of relief. It felt like going school clothes shopping all over again.
I have things hanging up and things in the dresser. My mom calls once and I talk to her. I don't really know how I feel about that situation yet but I know it is still a fresh wound.
She lied to me and she has done it my whole life. She knew this was coming and she still didn't tell me. I talk to her any way and put that aside. She asks me how it is going and all I can think is "oh now you care".
I don't say it though as I can tell she is very upset with herself for not saying anything. When she hangs up they serve us lunch, or as on Earth it is dinner.
Once everyone leaves us alone to eat so many things run through my mind. I have to ask them or I feel I will explode with all my thoughts.
"Why is the schedule so messed up here?" I ask him. He swallows his food down before telling me.
"No one really knows. That's just how it has been. Dexter was created before Earth was even thought of. The aliens that were on Dexter at the time made everything up.
We have had great advances since but not much has really changed." He says and to me that makes sense.
"Okay" I say then I ask him something that has been bothering me all day as well. "Don't you ever get lonely?"

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