Chapter 8

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The next day I am awakened early. Another long day. We eat "dinner".
"What rule do you want to change?" My dad asks me and I get confused. "Your the prince, what rule do you want to change?" He says and I know immediately.
"From now on its breakfast, lunch, and dinner." I say and he laughs but I don't find it funny.
"Okay, that works." He says once he gets over his laughter. I still don't find it funny the whole thing bugged me. Once we are done eating he makes me put on my training clothes.
I meet him in the training room. I look around more than I did yesterday and realize that they have way better technological advances then we do.
They have weapons and training equipment that we couldn't even think of for another 100 years.
"What first?" I ask and he just looks at me.
"I need to know what you are capable of." He says and that gets me confused.
"I thought that you already knew what I was capable of." I say to him and he smiles.
"I do, but I need to see it in person. Seeing things in person is much better than seeing things in hologram don't you think?" He asks and I don't have an answer.
I never even knew hologram existed until yesterday. I always thought it was something in movies that I watched. I shrug my shoulders at him.
"I don't know." I say and he takes me out back through a door. I see the training course. I have seen it before but today it just looks big and intimidating.
"I want you to go through this course, you can't get hurt. I want to see how you react in certain situations. Can you think fast? Can you move fast? What can you do under pressure? Those are all things I am looking for." He says to me.
I shrug my shoulders once more and step onto the platform. He holds his arm up so he can see his watch. I shake my nerves out and clear my head.
"Ready, set, go!" He says and I take off. I jump onto the monkey bars and get through them in under ten seconds. I run across the rolling logs then some thing jumps out at me.
My karate instincts kick in and I kick it. I move on jumping, ducking, running, kicking, avoiding things, the whole time keeping a steady pace and staying in control.
I finally jump out and onto a trampoline. I fall down and land on it bouncing on it before flying off and landing on my feet. He looks at me impressed beyond his craziest belief.
"2 minutes even." He says as I put my hands behind my head. "I can't even do that." He says and I smile. It's all the parkour I do. We go back inside and he hands me a wooden sword.
"If you guys have such technological advances why a wooden sword?" I ask.
"You can think fast and are light in your feet, however I don't really know how that deals when it comes to weapons." He says making me take the wooden sword and doubt my own ability.
He grabs a wooden sword himself and we start battling. He wins the first round and I barley win the second. I think he is just letting me win. If he is letting me win that isn't going to help me beat Flame. Flame won't let me win, he won't show me any mercy.
Two hours later we finally finish and I go for my lesson. I feel like I am in school all over again only it's not for me to be able to get a good job, rather for me to save the planet.
When I finish my lesson we go for lunch. He asks me what I have learned and I really can't say much. I don't even know considering it's all so new. When we finish lunch I have to go try and unleash my alien form.
That is the hardest thing I will do today. We go outside and he stand there.
"How do I do it?" I ask.
"What makes you mad?" He asks me and I don't really have an answer. Not much makes me mad. I have so much patience that it takes so much to even get me mad. Suddenly I think of the one thing that made me mad in no time at all.

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