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Yo all!!  I present to u... !!!!

EXCUSE OF THE DAY: January was too hectic to deal with.

HEY GUYS!! Its been what.. A million years or so? Yeah, i think so too. Anyways, heres another chap for you...

The one chapter per month thing is still on.. Sry bout january tho heh...

I also started typing the chapters on the computer. If u look at one of my other stories called Petrified something something, you can easily notice the difference in paragraph size and The length of each chapter... I think....

And so starting from this chapter, you may notice grammar changes, details, and of course the length of each chapter will change (dunno bout length tho... Probs not all the time so ye..)


“Oi! He’s waking up!”

“No, really?”

“Papa gonna wake up?”

“Yea. He gonna wake up, don’t worry.”

“Rise and shiine Sleeping Beauty! Chaos cancelled all your day offs!”

“Baba hair started burning.”

“Ugh,” Percy grimaced when he opened his eyes.

He looked beside him.

Elliot and Sophie were staring at him with wide eyes.

Percy allowed a small smile.

“Don’t.. Worry… That’s..normal.”

Sophie grinned. Her to front teeth were missing.

“Baba mad now. He downstairs drinking pepper!”

Percy swore he heard something from below at that moment. He sighed and slowly got up. Elliot helped him by supporting his back.

“Thanks bud.”

“Baba this way,” Sophie said, lightly tugging on one of Percy’s sleeves.

“What about Alpha and Alice?” Percy asked as he stood up, Elliot supporting him all the way.


Percy nodded, letting Sophie lead the way downstairs.

Jidth Hammerson was quietly following behind. He rarely spoke and when he did, the kids would think they were granted good luck no matter what the words he said were.

Chaos was sitting at a small table with a cup in his hands. As Percy drew nearer, he started smelling a stench. He also noticed Elliot, Sophie and Jidth Hammerson stopped walking and stood a good few feet behind him.

Percy wrinkled his nose.

“Seriously? Pepper? Have you gotten than low since I went out?”

Chaos closed his eyes, seemingly annoyed. He set his cup down beside him.

“The war is going to star soon. What are you gonna do commander?”

The war.

Percy’s eyes widened. He totally forgot about the war.

“I see.”

And the fact that Chaos could read people’s minds.

“I guess you better start doing something about that excellent non-existent battle plan of yours.”

Percy Jackson, a NobodyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat