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Hiagain lol

I guess the pov switches kinda? Idk

"Percy? Percy, can you open your eyes for me?" a voice rang loudly in his ears even though it was barely even a whisper.

It hurt. Ugh oh gods it hurt so much.

His index finger twitched. Chaos saw that small gesture and jumped to his feet.

"Percy?" he asked again.

Percy tried opening his eyes. Why won't his muscless move?

His eyes rolled underneath his eyelids wanting to see anything, even that Jacob jerk, as long as it was seeing something besides darkness.

"It's okay, take your time," Chaos said in a hushed tone. He sounded concerned, and angry at the same time.

It wasn't a surprise.

If it weren't for him stopping Chaos, Jacob would've been toast already.

Now that he thinks over his actions, he kinda regrets stopping Chaos.

Now back to opening his eyes.

Percy used the last of his concentration and focus to try and make his eyes open. But to be honest, he just wanted to keep sleeping forever feeling pure bliss.

"The army is waiting for you to wake up..and so am I.. please please please at least do something to let me know you're alive and okay."

Yeah... he seriously needed to open his eyes. Moving his limbs were another option, but he knew that was crossing the limits he had right now.

K here we go, body-that-I-was-given-at-birth-and-isn't-very-responsive-when-I-really-need-it-to, let's do this.


Percy gasped as his eyes opened wide. There was a tube down his throat, breathing for him but now that he was awake all it was doing was choking him.

"Percy! Stop moving!" Chaos jumped up from his place and grabbed Percy's shoulders keeping him flat on the bed.

Percy felt pain. Just. Pain. ... and maybe a tiiiiny bit of anger.

He couldn't breathe. The tube down his throat was uncomfortable and it made tears form in his eyes.

"I'm here! Okay Percy, just calm down...

I SAID CALM DOWN YOU IDIOT!" Alice had entered the room.

Once Percy stopped moving, she got to work.

"Okay, I need you to cough for me so I can pull this out," she said more quietly this time.

Percy was too tired to do anything, but if it meant getting the tube out...

He coughed and then Alice pulled it out.

And then it was over.

"You did great, I think. I'll tell Alpha you're awake," she whispered. She got up, gave a small bow to Chaos, and left the room.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Chaos started asking once Alice left.

Percy didn't feel like speaking. His throat was dry as a desert and he didn't want to do anything to make it feel worse.

So he just shook his head ignoring the need for water.

"If you're sure then.." Chaos said and he sat down in the chair beside the king size bed.

Percy changed his mind and started to desperately shake his head.

Chaos smirked, and grabbed the glass of water that appeared out of nowhere, helping him drain the glass down to the very last drop.

Chaos set it back and it disappeared. "Feeling better?"

Percy nodded. "Yeah.."

"Thank me that you're all right," Chaos smiled and hugged him.

Percy was stunned. Chaos never ever gave this much affection to anybody, INCLUDING HIM!! Sure, he would pat his back, compliment him, saying sweet nothings to him when he was hurt, and just being cool but Percy couldn't remember a time when Chaos actually hugged him.

Chaos pulled back and turned serious.

"Are you sure you're okay? Do you need anything else?"

"I'm fine, it's okay," Percy said, shaking his head as he tried to sit up.

Chaos smiled sadly. Percy was still Percy and that would never change. Him being loyal to the others was bound to kill him someday.

"I was thinking of cancelling this mission..." Chaos said.

Percy looked up.


"You seem to be in more trouble when you're around these disgusting demigods. I'm sure you would want to leave?" Chaos said, waiting for a response.

Percy was still. He looked at his hands, then the floor, then the eyes of his father.

"No... I- I can't leave them."

Chaos raised an eyebrow, slightly amused.

"Why's that?"

Percy sighed heavily, and leaned on the pillows behind his back.

"Even... even though everybody here betrayed me before, they were still my family. I can still feel memories everywhere I go in this place. They used to be the people that I would laugh and have fun together."

"But they betrayed you."

"Well.. yeah. But I can't leave them to face this kind of fate. I can't let Gaea or Kronos win the second round and think of my kind as weak. I can't let such a cruel fate be cast on the innocent people outside of camp..."

Percy shuddered. "I can't let monsters roam free on the surface where they can kill and devour, and conquer everything. I can't let my .. real dad... hurt in any way because he, too, cared for me once upon a time. Even if that time was long ago."

Percy looked up at Chaos' eyes with determination and ... hope?

"We have the power, the strength, the skills to take down Gaea and Kronos and Tartarus. Nobody should get hurt because of the choices I make.. it happened one too many times already causing me to lose Beckendorf and so many others. I have to help win this war, even if it means laying down my life for the ones who shattered my heart," Percy said defiantly. And then he grinned that famous crooked grin.

"Plus, I never got to beat the crap out of the jerk."

Chaos stood up from his chair, a proud smile adourning his face.

"Then I believe we have come to an agreement. I 'll go tell the others. You should rest.. and I mean it this time."

Then he left, leaving Percy to his own thoughts.

He sighed and layed down on the bed. And slowly, his eyelids started to droop until he was fast asleep, disturbed by the fact that he was going to have to face the war for THEM.

Sooooooo.... oops? I might have forgotten to update? Heheh... he..heh.

Okay not working lol. I hope this chapters okay. I'm actually pretty happy with how this story is going. :)

Well anywayz, cya next time! Thanks for comments, votes, and of course (the most important factor) VIEWS!! (sry for any grammar, spelling,or puncuation mistakes)

~BookwormTalents OUT!!

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