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Third P.    The next day

Chiron woke up earlier than usual to drag Percy to the Big House where he could keep a watch on him. 

But Percy just sat on a couch staring at his cuffs until the breakfast bell rang throughout the camp. 

So Chiron escorted Percy to the Athena table, where Annabeth would take first watch. 

Percy was made to sit down and almost everyone at the table moved a little farther away from him so that they were bunched up at the end of the table, opposite to where Percy was sitting. 

He sat there staring at the brown wood of the table, his mind lost in space. And since he made no move to get something to eat, Annabeth went to get him a tray of blue pancakes, hoping he still liked them. But Percy still didn't eat. His eyes moved slowly towards the food and he started coughing. 

A little at first, just a few sneezes. But then it got much worse. His little hacking coughs started to get louder and as he coughed more and more, his shudders grew worse. Annabeth was frozen and didn't know what to do. Percy eventually collapsed off the bench. A light thud was heard throughout the silent room. Every pair of eyes were focused on Percy. He still coughed and coughed until blood started to leak out of his mouth. His cuffed hands were motionless but other than that, every part of his body twitched and shuddered from his loud coughs.  

Will, from the Apollo table, eventually noticed the campers huddling around something and he walked over fast. I mean, who wouldn't notice a person dying on the ground in the middle of breakfast outside in front of like... over 100 demigods. 

"Move back.. Guys..." Will tried to say. 

"MOVE BACK!" The campers stared at him wide-eyed and took a large step backwards.

Will kneeled down to where Percy was still coughing and a puddle of blood was forming around his head, with a steady stream of blood flowing out of his mouth. 

"Hand me the ambrosia and nectar," Will said loudly to his siblings. A girl with blonde hair gave him a few squares and a half filled cup. 

Will set Percy so that he was laying on his back. He then tilted his head back, which was really hard because he was still coughing like a maniac, and tried to force feed him a bit of ambrosia in a really awkward position. 

Once he got the god's food in him, he quickly called for a stretcher. A few kids that were hanging out at the infirmary brought in a white stretcher and loaded Percy gently into it with disgusted faces. 

As the Apollo kids raced off to the infirmary with Percy, Will looked at Annabeth.

"I ... better go .. get him cleaned up.." Will said nervously under the many stares he was getting.. a few were glares. Nobody would ever think of helping a traitor. 

Will hurried off and breakfast went through normally as if nothing happened. I mean, who cares about Percy? He probably deserved all that anyways..

Or did he?

Third P. 

Leo was busy working on some crazy wild invention idea in his cabin where things were a bit quieter than outside. Until someone banged really loudly on the front door which truly ticked him off. 

"What is it!?" Leo yelled through the door, his body and mind still focused on the little metal object in his callused hands. 

"Umm.. Leo.. it's Will. Chiron said that since you're not really doing anything important right now.. you should watch over Percy for the afternoon," Will's voice echoed in his ears.

"Fine.. come in," Leo said. 

The door creaked open and Will came in with Percy leaning on him helplessly. 

"Here... umm... you can take him to Jason at lunch. It's his turn next. Uhh.. good luck," Will said and he ran off after slamming the door shut. 

"Seriously, what's kids and their manners today," Leo rolled his eyes. He looked at Percy for a minute and felt lost in what to do with him. But.. at least he gave him something to do when he collapsed. 

"Whoa there," Leo said as he caught him before he could hit the ground. Leo silently gasped at what he saw next.

Percy's throat was bandaged up with red stained gauze and he could make out a few black stitches criss crossing itself on the back of his neck... he looked like Frankenstein. .. but not at the same time. 

It was absolutely weird.

Leo thought for a minute. His eyes roamed the cabin and he set his eyes on a unoccupied bed. He dragged Percy over there and placed him onto the bed.

He nearly dropped Percy in the process, feeling how light-weighted he was. It was scary.

"Man.. what happened to you," Leo muttered and he let Percy lie there...in a really uncomfortable looking position. 

Leo walked back to his desk and started back at the thing he was working on but he couldn't stop the few glances he took at Percy.

Something that felt very much like guilt ran through his body as he saw Percy staring at the door of the cabin as if it was gonna torture him to death. Maybe he should've done something when Percy started having his coughing fit during breakfast... Leo shook his head.

He's a traitor after all.. and even if he tried to help him in any way.. he would probably be shunned away by other people. 

So for the rest of that time, Leo sat there working on his thingy until lunch finally arrived.

The bells chimed throughout the camp and he giddily started to race out....... until he remembered Percy was supposed to go with him. 

Leo looked back at him and was kinda creeped out to see Percy in the same position for the last four or five hours.

Leo looked at the ceiling trying to ask it why he was given this horrible job. After a few seconds of hopeless staring, he sighed and started to lift Percy and carry him out to the pavilion. 

Percy's cuffs and chains made an annoying clinking sound along the way and bile started building up at the back of his throat just by looking at it. So he quickly ran towards the tables looking around for the right one.

What did he say.. Jason? Yea... Jason's turn next.

"Hey Superman!" Leo called out to Jason. Jason turned around smiling until he saw Percy bundled up in his arms.

"Uhh... what is he doing here?" Jason asked.

"Will said Chiron said that it's supposed to be your turn to watch him during lunch. Trust me, it's so easy.. but I think you're supposed to fetch him food." Leo whispered. 

"Good luck bro.. you're... kinda gonna need it.. I guess," Leo said and he dumped Percy into Jason's arms and left him with a grin. 

"What luck I have," Jason grumbled. 

Unless. ... he didn't have to give Percy food and just 'watch' over him...

Jason smirked, easier than he thought. 

Percy Jackson, a NobodyWhere stories live. Discover now