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K so... it's almost summer break(for me) and i've been putting this on hold for so long so why not?

.. im so lazy...

10 years later.(4 percy z 1000 years)


Percy looked up to see one of the senior soldiers in uniform with black wings tucked behind his back. 


"Boss wants to see you... says it's urgent." 

"Tell him I'll be up in a sec." 

The teen left the room leaving Percy alone. 

He sat in his seat for a few moments until he sighed loudly and got up. Percy rummaged around for his crown, his words still ringing in his ears the last time Percy didn't wear it. 

"Whenever you are in my presence, you should be wearing your crown. Never let this happen again."

He sighed as he looked at the tall mirror attached to the wall next to him. Not too bad. 

Percy struck a few poses chuckling sheepishly to himself as he walked outside into the dark corridors of base. 

Percy tapped the door with his knuckles twice before opening the large wooden gates slowly. 


"Percy, my son. It has been a while, no?" Chaos turned around to face his son. 

"Yes, is there something wrong?" Percy asked.

"Is it wrong to visit my favorite most powerful son and heir? Not only that but the Prince of CHAOS! THE COMMANDER OF THE CHAOS ARMY!" His voice boomed throughout the large ceremonial chamber. 

"No." Percy's voice came out in a flat robotic tone. 

Chaos sighed at his unemotional son. It was sad to see him like this. Percy has been Chaos' son for around 1000 years now and he hasn't changed one bit. 

"Well then.. yes, there is something wrong."

Percy nodded once. 

"Gaea and Kronos are rising. A spy informed us that they are planning to work together to take over Earth. And not only them but Tartarus has agreed to help them. This," Chaos stopped pacing the ground and looked at Percy's dark gloomy eyes. "Is very serious, Percy. If you don't manage to stop them they will rule Earth giving them the courage to take on more and more planets and soon, our whole universe will be destroyed down to the last speck of light."

Chaos walked towards Percy until they were no less than 1 centimeter away from each other.

"Do you know how serious this is?" 

"I do and I understand that you want me to go to Earth with my army and stop Gaea, Tartarus, and Kronos and the army of monsters they're making to save to world once again," Percy said again in the same flat and monotone voice.

"There's the little smarty pants I know and love. Assemble the army by the end of today and depart tomorrow. I will join you once you arrive at Olympus with your lieutenant."

"Yes, Father. I'll see you tomorrow." And with that Percy turned around, midnight wings hidden under his long black robes. 

Chaos stood there until the door closed shut with a soft click. He sighed and disappeared into thin air.


Percy entered the large gym where more than thousands of soldiers were practicing their skills. Everybody had a set of wings to them ranging from different colors depending on their experience and level.

As soon as the large doors to the gym opened, everyone became quiet. It wasn't normal for their commander(captain, whatever you want to call him) to enter in the middle of their training. 

"I see you all are working hard," Percy said while gliding past the soldiers with light feet while keeping his head up, observing all the sweaty faces bowing down to him. 

Percy stopped walking as soon as he reached the front of the gym. 

Everybody held their breath, tension growing bigger.

"I have a few announcements." Percy paused, not used to speaking so loudly.

"I heard from Chaos-" hushed whispers spread throughout the hallow gym growing louder and louder. 



"I heard from Chaos that Gaea, Tartarus, and Kronos are working together to take over Earth with an army of monsters. We are to depart tomorrow morning to help Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter, the only demigod camps, to defeat the monsters and save Earth and its people. Stop training and go to your rooms. Bring only things that are necessary. I will give you three hours. Meet back here as soon as you're done." 

Percy coughed into his shoulder, throat hoarse from speaking. He quickly walked towards the exit but before he left.

"Oh, and clean this place up before I come. It stinks like sweat." 

As you can guess --------> 3 hours later

Hushed whispers could be heard in the gym. Everyone had a bag on the ground in front of their feet. 

"Good job, you all kept time."


Percy appeared out of nowhere in front of the army. 

"Starting from Jacob, leave through the exit and onto the ship. The ship will arrive in Camp Half-blood in approximately 30 hours. I will be there before you arrive to settle things with the gods of Olympus. Get plenty of rest during those 30 hours or you WILL pass out during the rest of the day." 

Percy eyed every soldier before saying "Put on your cloaks and leave." 

He nodded at Jacob before entering a portal he made nearby. 

As fast as he had entered he arrived at the Olympus throne room where all the gods were summoned. 

Chaos was there too speaking to Zeus.

"Ah, there he is," Chaos waved Percy over. 

"My Lords and Ladies, good to see you," Percy said and bowed, hood on.(Hood covers half his face so no one can identify him and there's magic on it so no one but the wearer can take it off. theres also a cloak attached to it)

Everybody, except Chaos and Percy, flinched at his flat tone that almost sounded lifeless, a robot. 

"Well, nice to finally meet you, Commander of the Chaos Army," Zeus greeted back. Poseidon nodded somewhat uneasily. 

Hades just shrugged.

"Anyways, back to the subject. My arm will stay at Camp Half-Blood for the time being. Camp Jupiter should come and join Camp Half-Blood until the war's over. We need everyone to be at their highest level of combat and methods of fighting. We can't risk a weak link in either camps," Chaos explained. The gods nodded one by one, agreeing to their grandfather... err.. great grandfath- nevermind. 

"My commander, will be staying in the.. what's it called.. Big House? Yes, the Big House (Hermes mouth opens) and he will set up a tent for the army when they arrive(mouth closes)." 

"Agreed, Chiron, are you okay with that?" Percy turned around to see Chiron, the old horse, standing with the all the head councillers( i spelled it wrong, who cares) with him in the back. 

Then he saw him. 

Speaking of the devil-  

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