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It'd been almost two years since I joined Hamilton and it was sadly mine and David's last night. Our contract was up and we wanted to move on with our relationship.

As we took our final bow, I waited for the curtain to close as usual, but we stayed on stage until the applause died down.  Javier stepped forward and announced, "Now, I know it's late and most of you probably have families you'd like to get back to. You're free to leave if needed, but one of our cast members has something he'd like to say to his girlfriend. David? Jaelynn?"

Confused, I took my boyfriend's hand and walked over to Javier. "What's going on?" I whispered to the boys. "You'll see," Javier whispered back and the chuckles rippled through the audience. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I remembered our mics were still on.

David turn to me and took both my hands smiling. I matched his smile as I stared into his eyes.

"Jae, when we first met, we were teens who had no idea what the future held. When I first met you, you were a scared teenager. As we started dating, I began to realize I loved you. Those years that you were gone because of your brother, I knew that I loved you because trying to find you was the only thing that kept me going. When I look at you today, I don't see that scared teenager. I see a beautiful, confident, smart, woman that I love with every inch of my being."

As if that speech alone hadn't already made me start crying happily, he knelt on one knee, making my hands fly to my mouth and the women in the audience scream joyfully. Javier and the cast hushed them up.

David waited until the crowd had stopped until he continued, "Jaelynn Miranda, I want to spend the rest of my life you. Will you marry me?"

I nodded and tears blurred my vision as he put the ring on my finger. He stood back up and I jumped on him in a hug. The audience applauded loudly and the cast surrounded us in a hug. The curtain dropped and we received various congratulations from the cast.

We were married a year later in New York. Few years after that, Sebastian and Francisco became uncles.

Carson remained in prison for the rest of his life, Jaz and Anthony finally got married and had several kids, and David and I lived happily ever after.

The End

A/N: Well, that's it! I hope you enjoyed! This entire story is fictional and even though I ship Jasmine Cephas-Jones and Anthony Ramos, they are not married and do not have any children. Sorry it's so short, guys, I felt that the last chapter ended really well and I didn't really know where else to take it. I didn't want to drag it on so I decided to just end it.

I love you and thank you all for all of the encouraging comments you left on the chapters. TTFN!

Jaelynn's Story- A Hamilton Cast FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now