Before we begin

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Hello, everyone! Before we begin this story that I am unbelievably excited to share with you, I'd like to point out a few things.

I don't know the Hamilton cast as well as some of you, so if I don't get their personalities right, please don't get mad at me. I'd love it if you messaged me and told me though.

I'm sure quite a few of you know who David Guzman is, and he will be making a special appearance in this story. I don't know his age (I think it's 21 or something), but in this he's going to be 18 for reasons that will soon be explained.

Once again, I don't know the cast as well as you guys do, so please don't get mad at me I write something that is out of character for them, didn't happen/wouldn't happen, etc.

Enjoy the story and I would love feedback! Thanks guys!


Jaelynn's Story- A Hamilton Cast FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now