Chapter 2

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"I'm Lin. Although I'm sure Martha has already told you that."

"Nice to meet you," I said with a blank face.

"Alright, well, ready to go?" he asked.

I nodded and he reached for my suitcase but I moved away. "I can carry it." I set Talia down and got my knees, facing the young girl. "Lia, I promise, I won't be gone for long, ok? And you can come visit. But behave for Ms. Martha. Promise?" She sniffled and nodded. I gave her a hug and Ms. Martha picked the young girl up.

I followed him out to his car.

"Vanessa wanted to come but Sebastian was napping. Vanessa's my wife by the way," he said as I climbed into the passenger seat. "Who was that little girl?" he asked. "Basically my little sister," I responded.

He nodded.

On the way to the apartment he awkwardly tried to get me to talk. I responded to a few things, otherwise I would just shake my head or nod.

We made it to the apartment where I met a lady with dark brown hair, who was holding a toddler.

"Jaelyn! I'm so happy we can finally meet you! I'm Vanessa and this is Sebastian. Sebastian, say hi!" she said.

The toddler grinned at me shyly and put his face on his mom's shoulder.

Things went well and so far I'd been there for about three weeks. I was adjusting, but not getting attached. Vanessa seemed to realize this and began taking me out for one-on-one time with her. It didn't do much. I was friendly, but still made sure not to get attached.

Anyway, I was currently playing with Sebastian when Lin called from the kitchen, "Jae, could you come here for a second?"

I got up and went to the kitchen, finding him and Vanessa standing by the counter.

"Would you like to come to my work with me?" Lin asked.

I blinked. "Uh, what?"

"I have to go to work in about thirty minutes. Would you like to come with me?" he asked.

"He calls it work. It's more like him messing with his friends each night," Vanessa said and I could hear the teasing and playful tone in her voice.

"Su-ure," I said slowly.

"Great! Go get ready and we'll leave in thirty minutes," he said.

I looked a Vanessa, who nodded and I left for my room.

It was actually a really nice room. A lot nicer than my group home room, but I missed my friends. Lin and Vanessa said I could have them over once we all got a bit more adjusted if I wanted to.

Anyway, I met Lin back at the front door and we left.

"So, what do you do exactly?" I asked as we headed out.

"Do you know what Hamilton is?" he asked.

"Hamilton? As in Alexander Hamilton? The guy on the ten dollar bill?" I asked.

"Yeah, something like that," he laughed, "I wrote a musical about it and now I perform as Alexander Hamilton eight nights a week. Right now, we're heading to the theater."

"You wrote a musical about the guy on the ten dollar bill?" I deadpanned.

He laughed again and said, "Yep!"

I thought this over and shrugged. There were weirder musicals. Like Cats.

He parked the car and we got out, walking inside the large theater.

"What's with the big crowd of people outside?" I asked.

"They're here for the Ham4Ham show. Which, we're doing in about." He looked at his wrist which carried no watch and back up at me and said, "Five minutes."

I started to question the no watch but before I could he ran off down the hall.

I quickly followed and he said, "Wanna be in the Ham4Ham with me?"

Jaelynn's Story- A Hamilton Cast FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now