Chp. 13 Emotions and Ruin

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{Warning!⚠️Warning!: This is a.Long.Ass.Chapter, like holy mother Mary! So if you were on paging mode it'd be 26 pages long and play song whenever}



"I shall be in my room with Glitch if you need me" I start walking then stop at the doorway. "And my new room will be hard to find" I say in a hard tone without turning around in the slightest. I then continue my walk towards my new room with Glitch in my arms like a big baby.

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I headed towards my new room with Glitch in my arms. I walk in and see that the place is really dusty. I walk over to the bed and place her under the not dusty covers. "Let's clean this place up" I mumble.


"Keith! That lash out was unacceptable! She is only just a child!" I scold. "I..I'm sorry I didn't mean's just I value our teams safety" He says whilst looking down. I sigh in annoyance "Well at least go say sorry and tell Skotos to get into this dress for the Arusian party" I say pointing towards the door and handing Keith a beautiful white gown with frills at the skirt. The dress goes down to the knees. "Okay" He says and takes the dress then leaves. Even though Allura told everyone her and Y/n's story. She never told them her name. She knows not to bring out the secret(s) of the Lulloran.


I walk down the halls trying to find Skotos' room. It's been half an hour and I still can't find her! As I'm about to give up I hear giggling behind the closet door. "What?" I mumble in confusion. I open the door to reveal a huge bedroom. "Holy sh-" "Oh..Keith, what brings you here?" Skotos asks in a monotone voice. She has her mask on again. "W-well I wanted to say sorry to you, Glitch" I say turning towards the child. "Oh..well apology accepted!" She says smiling. "You forgive me that easily?" "Yep, everyone deserves a second chance" "Oh! Before I forget. Here" I say as I throw the dress towards Skotos. "Allura wants you to clean up and wear the dress for a party" "Ughhhhhhh..fffiiinne" She whines. I laugh at her reaction. "What chu laughing at?!" She says crossing her arms. "Just get ready" I say walking out the door. As I'm closing the door I hear a muffled 'Why don't you wear it?!' Coming from Skotos. I laugh.


(Time Skip to after you get changed and all dat jazz)

"You look AMAZING!" Glitch says with hearts in her eyes...I thought there'd be stars..oh well! "Why thank you Glitch" I say cheerily..wait. "Glitch" "Yes?" "Well ever since I put on the necklace..I don't know.." "Well the necklace works in many different ways. Like this!" She then comes up to the necklace and taps it. I title screen comes up and she types some stuff in.

Emotions Found:


Emotions Lost:


"Oh my.." I say in awe " should get going" "You sure you don't wanna come?" Glitch nods in response" I walk out of the room and head down to the front entrance of the castle where everyone currently is. As I was walking down the stairs everyone a.k.a Shiro, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, Keith, Allura, and Coran look at me in awe. "Erm, Hi?" I slightly wave. Then all of a sudden the necklace glows and words appear in front of me: Shyness. "Heads up  Y/n, only you can see it glow and the words..act natural" "Ok" I walk down and is greeted by the boys and Pidge. "You look.."

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