Chp. 15 Numbers, Letters, & Words All Become A Blur

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You giggle at this and gave Hunk a peck on he cheek, followed by a 'thank you'. You left Hunk's grasp and exited the kitchen. Hunk stood there smiling like an idiot and had his hand placed on his cheek where Y/n had kissed him. He sighed dreamily and had a red blush spread over his face like a wild fire.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was a few days after you had recovered and everyone was thrilled. You were wandering the castle when you got bored of it. Then an amazing idea popped into your head; An idea that involves tech and jokes. Most importantly! A Pidge. You excused yourself from your little chit chat with Glitch and she said it was fine. You walked the halls to the dorms of the Paladin's. You walked down them and found the room you were looking for: Pidge Gunderson's room. You knocked on the door and waited patiently for a reply. None. You open the door and find Pidge deeply engrossed in her (Since she's a girl) laptop. You silently close the door and quickly head back to your room. Glitch appears at the door with your laptop (That Allura had found) in hand and hands it over to you, followed by a 'need this?'. You grab it and leave with a 'thank you' (Basically go down the hall and sit cross-legged)


My laptop has my signature symbol on it in the middle. It looks like Pidge's when she hacks into something, but it had my distinct features and the circular lensed glasses had red and blue lenses with swirls. Sort of like the glasses that the humans talk about, the '3D glasses' with the red lens on he left and blue lens on the right and had a more crazier and sadistic smile. Why? Because I'm insane and I like it. (Raise your hand if your insane like meh!) I then log on, typing in my password: HaCkEd. I then go straight to my hacking files and find out the different frequencies that would be Pidge's. This is easy because with this certain hacking tool I created, you can find a persons frequency by how they speak. What words describe them, the words they use often and how they help shape and attribute their code. To answer what a code is, a code is your being, why you look like this. It's basically like a personal avatar. If you find out how to access your code, you could change how you look and your personality and nationality. Your code is basically you. I search and find frequencies: Stubborn450-1..Curiosity64-99.. Helpful-43-12..Gleeful486-0-2.. Aha! Frequency: Genius364-81! I quickly hack into the frequency and....I'm in! I quickly type in a message:

Dear Green Paladin,

Hello there! How are you? I bet you are doing just fine like those buns (ゝ。

I laugh silently then send the message and wait...but in the mean time I grab my laptop and head to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and head to my bikes hangar, to which I had named: Cloud. Now I am waiting and figuring out ways I can enhance my bike. (By the way the bike is a he)


I was on my laptop finding some stuff about Altean technology when all of a sudden a weird symbol comes onto the screen. I was surprised when it almost looked like mine and did a really creepy laugh. I - personally was freaked out by this weird symbol and crazy glitched up laugh. Even more freaked out when a message popped up on my screen. I read it and I felt my cheeks immediately burned a bright crimson out of embarrassment. I then began to think of my possible culprits; It can't be Lance because he's not that advanced in the technology world and not any of the rest of the Paladin's because the same result goes for them, but the possibility still lingers. Allura and Coran are advanced in tech, but they don't know..what would I call this? I guess pick-up lines. There also could be more than one culprit! But then again, there is Skotos...I don't know about her, but she could be advanced in tech, but I don't believe she has a laptop or a device of some sort..I bet her face would be beautifully illuminated in her laptop's lightin-GAH! I can't think like that! I just literally met her! I can't be attracted to her beautiful brown and periwinkle hair or her soft tanned skin or even her beautiful brown eyes or even her gorgeous bod-OKAY PIDGE! I mentally groan and scold myself for these thoughts.


Soon the anonymous (Skotos) and Paladin are engrossed in a conversation. Pidge learning about Skotos and vice versa.

Pidge: I never caught your name.

???: Oh! It's Y/n

Pidge: That's a pretty name

Y/n: Awww, thanks!

Y:n: Do you wanna hear something cool?

Pidge: Sure!

Y/n: So me and my friend were working on a little something. We call it: Progect: Super . Quantum . Utilized . Iridescent . Strong . Hectic . Yield. But those are just its acronyms! It spells out Squishy! Cool right? It is shaped to look like a spherical metal orb with an iridescent glow to its grey, sleek body structure. It has two small blue oval-shaped eyes. It can feel emotion and let's out cute little sounds/beeps/whirrs to tell you an answer or to indicate how it feels. We haven't given it a gender, so we concluded to call it a them/they. They can fly/levitate to match your eye level. Has a weapon system and my personal favourite feature: It can't be hacked and has a code no one can multiply or use for another code if they wish to make a faulty Squishy.


Y/n: I can show you them if you like.

Pidge: But I'm on the castle-ship.

Y/n: Just head to Skotos' Lion-cycle hangar.

And that's what Pidge did. To her surprise she saw Skotos on her laptop leaning against Cloud (Lion-cycle) and SQUISHY hovering at her eye level looking at her screen and beeping in some type of code, alerting Skotos of someone in her hangar.

"Eyy, Pidge! Here's SQUISHY!" Pidge was dumbfounded.

It was Skotos all along!

Pidge thought

"Y-you're..Y/n! The one who hacked my laptop!" "Heh, I was bored" You say whilst shrugging. "Oh! And Y/n is actually my real name...just wanted to put that out there..." You mumble the last part and avert your gaze to the side. "So that's SQUISHY?" "Beep beep!" They answer back in approval. "Yep! Now...wanna prank Lance~?" You say in an innocent smile and a sweet sickening voice. A mischievous smile creeps across of Pidge's face. "Hell yeah"

The whole day was spent with you and Pidge pranking everybody on the Castle-ship. Until you both fell asleep beside each other.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Allura's Status: Crush

Hunk's Status: Affectionate

Keith's Status: Friendly

Lance's Status: Affectionate

Pidge's Status: Crush

Shiro's Status: Affectionate


Pfft - On bad terms

Eugh - Not okay

Meh - Okay

Friendly - Companionship

Affectionate - Above friendly, but below crush (Likes them a lot, but not enough as a crush)

Crush - Y'all know

Crushing - Really falling for them

In love - Y'all know

A/n: So this is your status with all the Paladins and Princess. Coran is not involved because he is like your Uncle. I wanted to try something new sooo~ Ta-da~!!

Word count: 1274

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