Chapter Thirty Nine

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, Ang."

"No you're fine Hail-" she starts to cough into the phone.

"Aw no, are you getting sick?"

She coughs a couple more times, but I know that she's pulled her phone away from her face this time because her voice is at a distant now. "Correction, I am sick."

"That sounds bad, have you gone to the doctors? Are you taking anything? Is Dion sick too?"

"No," she chuckles softly. "Mr. Matteo has kept him busy with work."

"I see," my voice starts to trail off a bit. "Have you heard from Isaac?"

Angela stays quiet for a couple seconds then sighs deeply, "he told me what happened, you should go see him, Hailey, he's pretty miserable." I stay quiet. "I've never seen him like this, hell I've never heard him cry before, just talk to him please." She coughs a couple more times, "I get where you're coming from, why you're mad, but he technically didn't cheat on you, Hail, he's a fucking idiot for doing what he did and I'm not trying to defend him, but I hate seeing him punish himself."

I feel someone nudge my arm with their elbow, easily startling me. It's Madison. "Come on, let's go," she smiles.

I nod my head following her footsteps towards the parking lot, "I gotta go, Ang, I'll talk to you later. Feel better!" I end the call almost instantly, not giving Angela a chance to say goodbye, or anything else for the matter.

Madison and I both get into her car and we drive to my house in an awkward silence for a couple of minutes. I quickly remember the money my dad gave me and pull it out of my bag handing it to Madison. She of course refuses to take it, and I stick it in her little change cup that she had in one of her cup holders and proceed to make small talk, it doesn't last long though.

"Are you okay, Hailey?" Madison ask's deeply concern, parking her car into my drive way.

"Yeah, why?" I smile.

She shakes her head, "just asking.. Has he tried texting you?"

"No," I mutter, reaching for the door handle. "That's what I don't understand," sit back in the passenger seat, releasing the handle. "If he's so torn up about it, miserable, why hasn't he tried calling or texting me?"

Madison shrugs her shoulders sadly, "maybe he's waiting for you to go to him, maybe he's respecting your choice and giving you you're space. You did tell him not to look for you."

"Yeah but I didn't mean it," I sigh looking down. "I just wanted him to know what his own words felt like."

"Go talk to him."

"What?! Right now?"

She nods, "I'll even drop you off if you want. You obviously miss him, Hailey, talk it out. Hear each other out."

"It's fine, Madison, I'll figure it out. They'd probably kill you and me if I took someone over to the Matteo house," I tease.

"Yeah, good looking out," she chuckles.

"Okay," I exhale reaching for the door handle a second time, opening the door. "Thanks again for the ride, Maddy. I'll see you Monday."

"Yeah it's no problem, are you gonna need a ride to school Monday?" She says behind me as I climb out.

"No," I shut the door and talk to her through the now open window. "My dad usually drops me off, thank you."

"Alright, let me know if you change your mind," she smiles.

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