Dont Catch Feelings

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~Next Day
Kyle's POV

I woke up thinking about everything me and Roy talked about.... He said he loves me.... I know he's not in love with me but its close enough... That's the first someone has ever directed those 3 words to me... Why didn't I say it back????

Author's View

"Because I love you." It got quiet as Roy said that and Kyle just stared not knowing how to react. "Dont worry, I dont expect you to say it back just yet. Its still really soon and you have a rough background so its okay to keep your guard up. But I just want you to know that I do. And I'll always be here for you. No matter what. I don't care what it is, just tell me."

::End Flashback::
Kyle's POV

I know it doesnt seem that big of a deal but when no one has ever told you that they love you before, its huge.... But yes I still have to keep my guard up... Anyway, I was sitting in my room looking at the ceiling when a shirtless Roy walked into my room. "Are you okay" Roy asks and I nod. He laid next to me and put his arm around my waist. For a guy who's straight that thinks I'm into a guy that's not him, he's really..... What's the word? "Umm... Am I too close?" He asks about to pull away but I shake my head. "No you're fine-- wait I mean-- Not Like that but wait-- yes you are but I didn't mean it like-- uh... I'll stop talking now..." I say feeling my face get hot and he chuckles as I look away. "Calm down, its cool. I knew what you meant... But um... Are you okay? Its just us but you seem really jumpy... Is it something I--" "No No its not you... Its just... I just woke up and stuff... So my mind is all over the place..." I say still not making eye contact. I don't know if I'm hallucinating but I felt his hand get a bit lower. "Its fine... You want me to give you some space to think?" He asks about to move away and my stupid ass accidentally grabs his hand putting it right back on my lower waist again. As I realize what I did, my face turns hot again and I move my hand. "Sorry I--" "Kyle, stop apologizing. Its cool.... But I'm gonna head over to the twins house in a bit... You coming?" He asks and I shrug. "You said I wasn't allowed to be around Laurent." I say and he smiles. "I wasn't serious. It was just in the moment. If you like him then cool. But remember what I told you." He says and I nod.

~Time Skip
Author's View

Roy and Kyle got ready and went to the other house (Ill just start saying that cause its annoying saying the twins and Y/N house all the time) and Roy parked the car. They Got out the car then Roy locked it and unlocked the house walking in to Larry cooking and dancing to music.

"Who the fuck is that?" Larry asks playfully knowing its Roy then stops dancing. "What? You were expecting your whore?" Roy asks and chuckles as him and Kyle get to the kitchen. "Jokes..... Anyway, hey little boy." Larry says turning to Kyle. "Hi..."

Kyle's POV

"Why you so quiet?" Larry asks and I laugh and shrug. "I have no idea honestly." I answer and glide my fingers through my hair. I  then look to the left seeing Laurent come up from the door that I didn't really notice. "Wassup guys?" He asks as he gets into the kitchen. I should probably tell him that I told Roy just so he doesn't really think I like him. "Damn, Y/N is still asleep?" He asks and Larry nods. "Hey guys." Laurent says to both of us. "Hey..." I say looking at him and Roy looks at him as well. "At least Laurent knows how to give a real Hi." Roy says laughing. "Damn. Remember that." Larry says and nods playfully. I then take a deep breath and tap Laurent but I try to make sure its not obvious. The good thing is that the music was loud enough for me to speak quietly but still be heard by him and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I uh... I need to talk to you..." I say as Roy and Larry start having their own conversation. "Oh okay... Uh... What is it?" He asks and I look away. "I can't really say it here... But I need to talk to you..." I say softly and he nods slowly. "Oh you no know we have a pool area?" He asks speaking louder than the music so I play along as he starts walking. "No. I never saw it." I say and follow him. Good job Laurent... He started walking towards the back and there was another door next to the back door leading to the patio. We walked into the room and cracked the door but my eyes widened since I got sidetracked from the room which I really never saw before. It was huge! And I never really got in a pool before... The room had a big one and a little one but the small one looked like it used electricity (jacuzzi).

"So tell me wassup." He says and looks at me and I look down. "Okay uh... I know.... We dont really know each other like that.... But.... I need your help..." "With?" He asks and I sigh and get to the point. "Uh.... Basically.... I like your friend..... And I uh--" "Woah woah you like who?" He asks and I sigh. "Roy... But don't say it out loud please..." I say looking down and he nods. "So what do you need?" He asks. "well I kinda told him that I like you instead... So he thinks I like you." I say looking down and he chuckles. "You know, he maybe thinks you're telling me that you like me right now... Was that your plan?" Shit!!! It maybe does look like that now! "No I--" "Its fine. Are you trying to see if he likes you?" Laurent asks and I shrug. "Not exactly but it wouldnt hurt to know..." Laurent nods and sits down patting the seat next to him so I sit as well. "You Can do what I would do but I'm a bad role model so I no think you gonna do it. But you can act like we talked and we gonna go in like nothing happened but I'm gonna start giving you seductive looks and doing sexual shit around you.... But do not get turned on because I'm not really bisexual." I nod but then tilt my head. "What sexual things are you gonna be doing?" I ask curiously and he chuckles. "Nothing you can no handle. But just know I may touch your ass a few times. But again do NOT get turned on... Are you a virgin?" He asks and I look at him with a blank face. "Who the hell am I going to fuck at an orphanage? Not all orphanages have those rapists everywhere." I say and he chuckles and nods. "Okay. But the point is that Roy is protective so he's gonna try to talk to you about and he's maybe even gonna get mad. So tell him you like him when you guys are alone..." He says and I nod. "Thanks actually." I say and smile a bit then he smiles back. "Go up and talk to Y/N about it so she no get mad about nothing." "Okay." We got up and walked out the pool area and back  into the kitchen.


I was sleeping peacefully until I felt someone started jumping on the bed. "Yo what the fuck?!" I jump up and see Kyle and he plops down next to me. "Hey best friend." He smiles and I glare at him. "So I dont get a hi back?" He asks and I wave. "I sowwy. I needed to wake you up cause I have to talk to you about a few things." He says and I just look at him and he gets quiet. "Sooo are you gonna talk?" I ask getting annoyed. "Can you lose the attitude?" He laid his head on my stomach and I sighed. "Okay. But what is it?" "Okay well first thing, yesterday I was talking to Roy and instead of telling him I liked him, I told him I liked Laurent instead...." I tilt my head curiously as he looks at me. "Why Laurent?" "Not the point.... But I said that I liked Laurent and he was about to get mad and that's when I went upstairs. Then he came to my room and started talking to me and saying he would never judge me and shit. Lets just get to the point. I talked to Laurent and he said he would play along and basically flirt then see what Roy will do. And he said if Roy asks when we're alone, just tell him that I like him." I chuckled as he finished speaking. "What?" He asks confused. "Nothing. Just dont catch feelings cause I love Laurent, but he's a whore. Him and Larry are." "Laurent said the same thing." He says causing me to raise an eyebrow. "That they're whores?" I ask and he laughs. "No! He said not to catch feelings." He says and I chuckle. "Because if you do he'll play with your emotions. Whether he means to or not." I say and he sighs. "Got it.... But I have something else to tell you...." He says looking at me. "I do too actually..." I say back. "Okay you got first." "No you go." "Nooooooo you first." "But I already told you something though." "You know what, lets say it together." "Okay on the count of three..." he says as we both take a deep breath. "One..." I say nervously. "Two...." He says after.

Both: Three.

Kyle/YN: Roy/The twins said he/they love me.

Both: Wait what?!


I saw your comments guys! Thank you so much! I owe this chapter to you guys.

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