Getting Checked/ Fun Time!!!

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Author's View

They left John at the park in shock but little did they know, they missed a certain amount of information.... "Do you think he gonna come back?" Larry asks worried. "I think he will but we have to be ready for anything..." They get back home and walk back in the house then sit on the couch seeing Roy and Y/N. "What did you guys do?" Y/N asks worried. "Just gave him a little talk..."

-Time Skip

They all decided to take Y/N to the hospital to get her checked out. They were all sitting in the waiting room waiting for a doctor to call them.


I was waiting nervously. This is the first time ever being in this situation. We were in the teen department and thankfully no one was there but us. I don't even know what I have to do for the test.... (You guys, idk anything about STD tests and stuff okay? If I get the information wrong, just know this is from imagination.) After about an hour later, a doctor comes in. "You must be the family of Y/N Bourgeois. And you must be she?" (That's not her birth last name but she took it in when they adopted her.) The doctor asks shaking my hand as I nod. "Yes nice to meet you..." I say still a bit uneasy. "I'm Dr. Galdamez. Nice to meet you too. You can come with me along with one of you three men." When she said that, I got up and looked at Laurent so he got up and went with me as the doctor led us to a room and led us in before closing it behind her.

"Okay so may I ask, what brings you here to day?" She asks patting the exam table/patient bed for me to sit down and Laurent took a seat on a chair and she sat on a rolling chair giving Laurent papers to fill out. "Umm..." I say looking down nervously. "Tell her baby girl. No be shy." Laurent said trying to put a tiny smile on his face to stop hit frown which came from worry. "I'm here for an STD test..." I say and the doctor nods. "Okay which type of STDs? Virus diseases or bacterial diseases?" The doctor asks writing her clipboard. "Umm bacterial? I think?" I say not quite sure and she nods saying it's fine. "Okay well I'm going to give this information to the nurses and they will give you the shot then you'll receive a call giving the results of whatever number is listed or by mail, whichever you prefer." She says getting up. "Okay-- Wait a minute, a shot?" I say getting extremely nervous. "Yes a shot. They have to run a blood test." The doctor answers. "I can't do that, I really hate shots..." I say getting scared and Laurent hugs me. "No be scared, I'm right here." Lau smiles and I couldn't help but to smile back. "Will it make you less nervous if I gave you the shot myself?" The doctor says smiling. (This actually happened to me cause I get really uneasy when around shots) "Yes please." I say nervously smiling back. "Okay no problem, come on." She takes us to the shot room thing or whatever it's called, I haven't been to the hospital in a long time being I was in an adoption center my whole life which is one of the reasons I hate shots...

Once we got there, she told us she was going to be back then closed the door and I couldn't help but shake my leg nervously until Laurent came up to me and placed his hand on my leg making me calm down a bit and leaned in to kiss me until I stop him. "We don't know if I have an STD or not yet..." I say frowning a bit and he sighs and kisses my cheek then hugs me again. The doctor came back in and went to put gloves on then wiped my skin with an alcohol pad then got the needle and I got uneasy again. "Relax." She says calmly. "Look at me." Laurent says cupping my face so I'm looking into his eyes and I feel myself calming down. "Okay can you at least tell me when it's in my-- Ahh shit its in my arm.😥" I say and he whispers into my ear telling me to relax as the needle tries to feel for my vein and I feel him slowly and sneakily kiss my jawline and lick down my neck being that Dr. Galdamez on the other side of me so she's clueless. I then bite my lip and a groan comes out a tiny bit at the mixed emotions of the sweet kiss to my neck and pain of the needle until they both finally come to a stop as she pulls the needle out from inside my skin and she puts a bandaid on it. "Okay the test results should come in the mail like you said you wanted and the results should come in about 2 days or the beginning of next week, Wednesday being the latest which is an exact week from now. You're all done now." The doctor says smiling before getting up to guide us back to the waiting room and we saw Larry and Roy and a couple of people taking pictures with them and the fans were happy when they saw Laurent. "Ooh my gosh there he is!!! Who is that?😕" One fan says with a stank face. "That's their foster sister, she's cool peoplez." Another girl said and smiled. "Anyways, Lau can you sign my shirt?" The first girl says to Laurent and I get annoyed but don't show it cause they're fans so what can I expect? Right after Laurent signed their stuff and took pictures or whatever, then we were on our way home. We got home and it was 5pm already. Time went so fast. Roy decided that he was going to leave because he didn't have clothes to spend another night so we said our goodbyes and I didn't forget to thank him again for helping me through what happened then he said he would probably be back by tomorrow or Wednesday to see if the results came or not.

-Time Skip

It was Friday and I was still waiting for the results and after a while, the mail came then I saw the letter then told Laurent and Larry anxiously. Laurent called Roy and told him the letter came then we sat in my room all together and I opened it and unfolded the paper. "I.... I-it.... It's negative! I don't have any STDs!!!" I say and we're all happy then I start to get tired. "You guys, I'm tired now... I'm gonna take a nap." I say laying on my bed. "Wait I need to talk to you." Laurent says as Larry and Roy walk out. (A/Q: this stands for author's question. How old are the twins? In the story? Cause I can't decide. But they have to be older than 18.)

"Yes?" I say looking at Laurent while smiling. "It was so hard go without be able to touch you as much I want to." He says smiling and bringing his arms out for a hug and me laying down is too lazy to get up so I hold my arms out so he comes to me and gets on top of me hugging me then my hands wrap around his neck then he kisses me. I kiss back but then pull away and look at him smiling. "What?" He asks me smiling back. "Let's do something different." I say cracking up in my head and my hands slowly slide to his waist. "What do you wanna do?" He asks giggling like a baby girl making me laugh. "I know this won't work, but I'm going to make you feel like you're having sex with a boy okay?" I say as my hands slide down to his butt rubbing it slowly then I start cracking up at his reaction. "First off, I'm no gay so I no wanna think about having sex with a boy. Second, you non even have a dick." He says laughing. "I know but you will because it's not actually gay since I'm a girl." I say and laugh. "Larry!!" He calls Larry and a couple seconds later he comes in. "Ye-- Woah... Yes?" He says at first confused and then smiles and Laurent gets up walking to him. I then see him put his hands on Larry's waist and smile. "She wants me to know how it feels to have sex with a boy." Laurent laughs looking at Larry and Larry looks up at me then smiles. "You no know we have sex before?" He says and laughs and for some reason it's not that surprising. "Wait but I thought you said you weren't gay." I said confused. "We not. It was one time. And we do it just to do it." (This part that is coming up is going to be a bit more than usual so if you can't handle it skip to the next day.) Larry laughs and then looks at Laurent and gets a bit serious and gets closer as he runs his hands on Laurent's arms then sliding Laurent's hands down to his butt and they both tilt their heads to the side and bring their lips together so i get a bit awkward and decide to look on my phone then I look at them and try to make conversation. "So you guys we should watch a movie." I say and they ignore me then continue locking lips and then break away smirking at each other then looking at me who was about to walk out the room. "Umm you know what, i can just watch a--" I start until getting cut off. "Where you think you going?" Laurent asks as they both turn and start walking towards me making me a bit nervous and back away but I fall on my bed. "You wanna have some fun?" Larry asks pinning me onto the bed and kissing my neck which got me nervous. "Umm you know, I can pass." I say about to get up but Laurent locks the door and walks up to the bed. "Why? I wanna know how it feels to have sex with a boy. And I'm sure you want to be a part when it happens." He smirks and I gasp in shock. "You mean a threesome!? No way!!!" I say trying to get up but Larry doesn't move. "I wanna go to sleep.." I say trying to change the subject. "I kid. Let's play a game. Who can make her cum faster. We gonna set the timer." Laurent says and I get nervous. "Okay we do that. Who gonna go first? I wanna go. You ready?" Larry asks sitting on my lap. "No this is weird. You guys are dirty." I say and Larry moves his hands down my body outlining. "Let's make this more fun Lau." Larry gets up and smiles then Laurent smiles back as he walks back in with handcuffs and I tense up. He comes to me and I didn't to put it on. "Relax we non gonna hurt you." Larry says quietly then puts them on me. Laurent then starts the timer and Larry starts by lifting my shirt over my chest and leaving hickeys down my body and I bite my lip to keep from moaning and he gets to my v-line and starts looking into my eyes then starts gently pulling on my shorts and i guess he felt me tense up. "Relax babe." He says and I calm down. He then pulled my shorts down slowly and my panties showed and after he pulled them a bit, he then kissed right below my v-line then as he started adding pressure with his tongue and whimpers left my mouth as he left a hickey which felt so good and I could help but moan and I already felt myself getting wet. He then moved my panties out the way then...


SNIP SNIP MOTHERFUCKING SNIP!!!!😈😈 This bitch ass writer decided to leave y'all hanging and cut the chapter into 2!!!! So yup!!! But she told me she loves you guys!!!✌✌✌



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