Telling Them...

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After calming me down a bit, he left the room and closed the door behind him. I went to the bathroom and saw that he made the bath already and I continue to cry as I get my towel and closed the bathroom door getting in the bathtub and surprisingly, the water was still warm. After I got out the bath, I dried myself off and moisturized then did the rest of my hygiene and by this time it was 3:28am. I put on a big plaid button down pajama shirt with black pajama shorts. I then lay in my bed and after a while, i hear a soft knock on my door. "Its opened..." I say, my voice cracking a bit. The guy then walked in and stood at the doorway. "You need a hug?" He asked me and I nodded then he walked up and sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me and I started crying again but soon was able to hold it in for a bit. "So can you tell me what happened?" He asked me calmly and I tried to answer but I couldn't. "It's okay. Take your time. Just one main question to ask you." He says and I give him my attention. "Did he cum inside of you?" Man it feels so weird having to have this conversation but he just helped me... "I don't think so..." I answer softly. "Okay... Was there anything involved with cum on any part of your body?" He asks and I can tell he was trying not to make it so awkward. "He-- He umm..." I couldn't get my words out. "You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable hun." He says hugging me tighter but not tight enough to hurt me. "He made me give him head.... And he.... I-in my mouth..." I said and loose tears fell so I quickly wiped them away. "Okay what do you actually know about the boy?" "All I actually know is that he was a fan of the twins, he just got a job, and his sister goes out with Larry... But I don't like his sister..." I say quietly. "Why not?" He gave me his full attention. "I can't really explain why.... But I'll say why when I'm ready." I said and he nodded. "Okay but you're going to have to talk to the twins no matter what the consequences." He says and I nod and tears fall once again. "He took my virginity...." I start to cry again and he never lets go of me as he sways back and forth which calmed me down. After about 5 minutes later, I stopped crying and he got up. "We'll talk again in the morning okay? For now, try to get some sleep." I was about to say okay but I felt uneasy. "I don't feel safe all by myself..." I say wanting him to stay and I wrapped my arms around him so he wouldn't leave me. "How about this? I can stay until you fall asleep okay?" I nod and he gets up to turn off the light. "Do you want the TV on?" I nod my head and he turns off the light then turns on the TV and Spongebob is on as he sits back next to me with his arms around me. It's now 4:33am and I start to feel my eyes getting heavier as sleep takes over me.

~Next Morning~

I woke up and knew I was alone. It didn't take long to recall what happened yesterday/this morning. It was 12pm so I tried to stand up but just fell off the bed and my legs felt like jelly and I sighed then went to the bathroom using the lamp stand and dresser for support and did my hygiene putting on a tank top and black cargo pants and went downstairs seeing Laurent and Roy on the couch and Larry in the kitchen cooking. "Hi everyone..." My voice wasn't fully back and it came out a bit raspy. "Hey." They said in unison and it didn't take them long to notice my raspy voice. "Are you okay?" I hear Roy say. "Yeah I'm fine." I answer trying to get rid of my raspy voice but fail. I then hear my phone buzzing signaling my phone getting a call and as soon as I look at the caller ID, my heart drops seeing John's name pop up and I reject his call then he calls again and I block it and sit down in the living room next to Laurent and he hugged me. "Wait... Y/N, stand up..." Laurent said and I was confused but I stood up. "Walk..." He said and I was still confused but I did as told. "You see that Roy? Y/N, Why you limping?" Oh shoot, I didn't notice I was limping.... I looked at Roy and I guess he knew but it wasn't that visible to him. He stayed silent not knowing what to say. Right as Laurent was about to say something else, Larry walked in holding out his phone. "John wants to talk to you." He says obviously still clueless to the situation but I had to take the phone because if not I would be caught. I took the phone and looked at Roy and I felt my eyes filling with hot tears.

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