stiles fake mate creature

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The first is that of a normal human while the second is a humanoid shape with the fur, head, and claws of the.
the creature generally seems surly and snarls at insulting comments. His nails are long and darker than usual. The creature’s clothing remains unaffected by the change to either form.
Fake mate combat fact
rely on their minions and fearful spells more than their own natural weaponry. When pressed, the fiends can defend themselves with slashing claws and tearing teeth.
Habitat  fact : tries to transform a small population of beings into cursed versions of itself. Once infected with lycanthropy,
Ecology:are cunning and cold. They seek to dominate all those around them by creating a state of fear and helplessness. Then the true savagery of the lycanthrope emerges as they cruelly taunt their foes through a long and agonizing death.

Hey  here is stiles fake mate creature deception i gave one hint into the rest is up to yall

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