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    "[Name]-ah!" Taehyung exclaims as he enters my home. I think this is the first time he'd been here, so I walk in front of him and lead him into the living room. "You live here alone? Don't you ever get scared?" He asks. I jump over the back of the couch and look back at him as he slowly walks around to sit down.

"Scared?" I question, patting the couch as a gesture for him to sit.

"Maybe it's just me, but I hate being completely alone." He trails off a bit and glances around the room. A silence falls between us and I watch him take in this unfamiliar place, his eyes sparkling with wonder. "You're brave for living by yourself," He says, and then under his breath, he mumbles "So young."

"Well," I turn towards him and put my hand on my lap. "You don't have to be uncomfortable here, you're not alone." I flash a smile towards him and he instantly looks a bit relieved.

We both lean back on the couch and he makes himself more comfortable, eventually, I decided to break the silence. "So, you sing?"

I guess my question caught him a bit off guard because he snaps his attention towards me and looks flustered. "I- I guess you could say that I don't know if I'm really good, though." He fiddles with his hands in his lap.

"Do you know your range?" I know a bit about music, but I wouldn't call myself an expert. I'm trying my best to make small talk, something I struggle a lot with.

He's quite for a second and thinks. "Range..." He says quietly. He's acting very shy today, the behavior I'd expect more so from Jungkook, but he's gentle like Seokjin. "I'm not sure, I never took lessons I just enjoy it." He smiles brightly. His smile is so not smile-like, so wrong, yet somehow it's perfect in every aspect of the word.

"That's fine," I chuckle. "I was just curious. Anyways, do you know the song?" I see him pull his phone out and open some app, most likely the documents with the lyrics.

He nods. "Yeah, Yoongi briefed me on it, it's really pretty honestly, I doubt you've ever seen this side of Yoongi before."

I put my hands behind my head and look at him with a smile. "I'm ready when you are, Tae."

He looks down at his phone for a second and takes a breath. "It's called 'I Like It.'" That could be taken in a lot of ways, I think to myself. Instantly, he starts with a high note and I'm blown away. He has one of the deepest voices I've heard from people around our age, but God his range is impeccable. Then, he starts rapping. I'm only becoming more impressed with Taehyung at this point, I didn't know he could rap. It doesn't even cross my mind that Yoongi wrote this song until I hear what I assume to be the chorus begin. "After we broke up, you look better, pretty woman, yeah yeah yeah yeah."

He begins rapping again, I wonder what Yoongi sounds like rapping. He did say he can rap but can't sing, I just didn't realize it would have so much rapping in this song. The pace of the song is nice, too. I begin creating beats in my head behind Taehyung's voice. "You tag tag a photo that you took with your new boyfriend. Through that, I'm backspace-ing into the memories" The song, basing it completely off of the tone and sound, is amazing. I think the lyrics themselves are a bit childish, saying in the chorus, "Annoyingly, you still look good, pretty woman," Which, is not a bad lyric for the song itself, but shows that basically Yoongi was pissed his ex had a glow up and now has a new boyfriend. I almost want to clap yoongi on the back and cheers him, damn I know the feeling. Chanyeol is a freaking chick magnet, and yeah I broke up with him and it could've been worse but damn sometimes I wish I hadn't.

"Are you well these days?" Taehyung's voice is one of the most enchanting things I've ever heard, singing the words 'pretty woman' over and over, even if it's not directed at me, still feels nice. Eventually, he ends. It almost feels cold without his voice blessing the air, and I feel the urge to applaud. He looks up and smiles.

Reasons To Smile (BTS x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora