Bad-Boy Aura

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"Jungkook Oppa!" I yell waving at the boy walking ahead of me. I smile widely as he turns back to see me walking.

He smiles and stops walking to wait for me. I speed up my pace and walk next to him. "Good morning [Name]-ah." He says.

"Good morning." I smile back at him. We continue walking into the school building. We then split apart to go to our separate lockers.

I glance at the schedule on my locker door, checking what I need quickly. I grab 2 notebooks and swiftly move towards the classroom. When I look in I see Jungkook already sitting at my table, smiling at me as I walk in.

"[Name]-ah!" He exclaims as I sit next to him.


Quickly, Jungkook wraps his arms around me, hugging me tightly against him. I feel him smiling into my shoulder as I sit in shock.

"W- What are you doing?!" I asked flustered.

"Hugging you." He replies as if this is normal.

"Yah! You can't just do that to me!" I quietly scold him as I notice we're getting odd looks from around the classroom.

Jungkook grabs my wrist tightly and stands, pulling me along with him. His gaze shifts from that nice little innocent bunny to something somewhat intimidating.

The hallways are completely empty and he drags me to the lockers. He pushes me against one, holding my wrist above my head and looks into my eyes. I look back, scared. He looks me up and down, as if contemplating what to say.

"You may be cute," He starts. I feel my face heat up with those words and avert my gaze to the floor. "But I'm still older. Don't tell me what to do. I might look innocent, but you've seen what I can do." He moves his head closer to mine, our noses nearly touching, as if he were about to kiss me.

Suddenly, his bad-boy aura breaks as a little cute smile creeps onto his lips, his little bunny teeth showing. He lets out a small giggle as his grip loosens on my wrist. "Are you ok [Name]? You look really scared." He says.

My eyes widen in relief that he didn't hurt me or anything and I look him in the eyes. I open my mouth, holding back a scream and scold. "Yes I was scared! I thought you were going to hurt me!" I yell at him.

"Aww, I'm sorry [Name], but come on, we should get back to class." He says as he holds my hands in his and runs back to class.

Just as we're about to walk in, the bell rings. Luckily, our teacher Ms. Kim isn't that super strict teacher, so she smiles and nods when she sees us at the door. Jungkook lets go of my hands and opens the door, bowing to the teacher as we cross the classroom. I do the same and Ms. Kim begins attendance. I wait until I hear my name and then tune out for a bit. Jungkook taps me on the arm and I look at him. He presents a stack of post-it notes, with the first one written on already.

Want to pass notes?

I pull out a pencil to write my response and we soon form a conversation.

Won't we get in trouble?

Probably not.


Calm down [Name], you'll be fine.


You're cute when you're nervous [Name]


That you're cute


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