Scary Numbers

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=Your P.O.V=

Today is the day after my tour. I liked it so much there that I've completely made up my mind. I'm going there, and it's not like I'd have to take any test. I already did that, I got in. And I already have friends there. Now all I have to do is wait until next year, yet that year seems so far away.

These thoughts swirl around my head as I lazily walk to school. I think about yesterday: How much fun I had. How much I enjoyed it there. I've never really felt that about school. I mean, I was always ok with school, but I never really enjoyed it.

The only issue I have now is the payment. I stop by my locker and open it up. There I grab the books and journals I'll need for today's classes. I am about to close my locker when I spot the notebook I held all of yesterday. The one I labeled 'Notes.' I remember more of yesterday: The people I met, the way they acted with me. It made me so happy; I just wish I didn't have to wait another few months to go. I mean, I guess it's good actually because now I can make up the money I need to pay, although I did get a very high scholarship. I only have to pay a exactly 129,699 Won (113.24 US dollars). That's not that much since I get paid 6.58 an hour. I quickly do the division, so that if I work around 3 hours a day on school days and 5 hours on the weekend I'd have.... For work days I'd need about 6,570 hours to make up that money, and for weekends or non-school days I'd need like, 3,942 hours.

My brain is pounding with numbers that I'm scared of. I'm scared I won't have enough time. I'm scared I won't get to go. My palms begin to sweat as I take my seat in my class. I only have 91 days left in school. 2,184 hours. That's nowhere near enough to make the money I need and eat and live in my apartment.

I must have looked both confused and terrified as a boy in my class actually walked up to me. "Hey, are you ok?" He asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Y- Yeah! I'm fine, don't worry!" I stutter out, feeling my face go light pink.

"Are you the girl that toured at the college yesterday?" He asked. I just nodded and stayed quiet. "So you're [Name] right?" I nodded again. "Ok, good, I was scared I got the name wrong. I'm Jeon Jungkook. I'm going to that college too, because I have hyungs that are at that school, and when I saw them yesterday they talked about some girl that toured there with one of them. Did you meet anyone named Yoongi by any chance?"

That was a lot of information to process, so I just simply nodded. I knew the main question was if I knew someone named Yoongi, which I did, so I just nodded.

"Ah, you do? That's great! So you must be that girl they were all talking about!" He exclaimed.

This entire time I must've looked positively drunk. I was just staring at a wall dizzily as I fumbled with my pencil. I finally looked up at Jungkook and assessed who I was talking to.

He was a young boy, although he looked older than me. He had dark brown hair that was perfectly styled to fit his head. His clothes were awesome too. He wore a black sweater with a large stitched bird on the front, and black shorts. The teacher came in and announced everyone to take a seat. Jungkook quickly sat in the seat that was next to me. I was quite surprised by that, since no one ever really sits next to me. "J- Jungkook you know there's a seat over there." I point to the way he had come from.

"Hey, [Name]-ah, I'm older then you. Be respectful." He smiles brightly and I roll my eyes in a playful manner.

"Are you really telling me you want me to call you Jungkook-Oppa?" I ask. He nods happily as the teacher takes attendance.

"Wait, are you telling me you didn't call my hyungs Oppa?" He says astonished. I nod silently as the class starts to quiet down. "Well that's going to change next time you see them." He states.

"What? Next year?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "[Name] are you free after school?" Jungkook asks. I think about it. I have 1 hour after school before I go to work.

"I have 1 hour yeah. Why?" I ask him.

"Would you like to come with me to meet up with the boys you met yesterday?" He asks.

My eyes widen and I nod quickly.

"You seem really excited [Name]!" He giggles. "It's kind of cute."

A blush creeps deeper on my cheeks and I look at the teacher, turning my head away from Jungkook.

"What? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry!" He says, trying to grab my attention again. I stay facing the opposite direction and watch the teacher. He finally gives up and submits into doing the same thing.

Now I can't wait until after school.

Reasons To Smile (BTS x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt