Chapter 1

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A whistle has been heard all over the train station of King Xiu. Many wizards or Meogul (muggles) stand with their children, saying farewell as they will travel to Asia's most famous school of magic. Hogwart of Asia.

The school was founded after the king of China's second son was a wizard. He wanted his son the best education, and he heard about the new wizardry school in Europe with many wizards and witches going there to study. He contacted the founders of Hogwarts and told them to build a school with a similar structure as the wizardry school of Hogwarts.

They made the school look precisely like a Chinese temple. A lot bigger than the Hogwarts of Europe and different ways of sorting. So the king's second son studies and graduates in the school with other young witches and wizards. The king's son made a monarch in the wizardry world and ruled alongside his older brother. They both kept the country safe for both magical people and none magical.

In King Xiu station, many parents say their goodbyes, even the small family of five initially four. A woman kisses her daughter on the head before she boards the train. "Remember, I know you're in Ravenclaw, but that doesn't mean you had to keep your head stuck in a book; Have fun. You're almost graduating, and the final years are meant to have fun and a hint of study," said the woman to her daughter. "Yes, eomma, I'll try to have fun," Said the older girl with a smile on her face. The woman gave her daughter one last hug until she broke it and boarded the train, searching for her friends.

She slowly turns to the youngest of the family. A boy and a girl. No, they're not twins. You will soon see what I mean. She smiles at the nervous girl that looks around the train's station. "Yui," the woman call the girl. The girl with eyes almost cat-like turns to the woman. "I know I could never replace your mother, but you should know that you can always write to me whenever you like. Also, enjoy this new world. This must be new to you, and I know it can be scary, but you'll get used to it and see the beauty of it. Now, I don't care what house you might be in. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw, or perhaps you might surprise the world and be the first female Meogul-born in Slytherin" the woman chuckled at her last statement. "Eomma! She won't enter Slytherin. She perfects to be in Hufflepuff like you," the young boy told his mother. The woman turned to her son and smiled at him. "oh, Hoseok! You better watch over Yui. You're her brother now, and as her brother, you must protect her from people that might hurt her," the woman told her son. "Yes, eomma!" the boy saluted, making Yui smile and the woman laugh. "Now go! I'll see you on Christmas" The two hug the woman and are aboard the train carrying their pets.

Yui carries a baby Siamese cat while Hoseok carries a cage with an owl. Yui found an almost empty compartment. Two boys and one girl occupied it. One was sleeping, the other munching meanwhile on some snacks as the girl looked around the room. "Hi, can we sit here?" Hoseok questions the older-looking lad.

The boy nodded, and as Hoseok entered with Yui behind him. They both sat across the two older lads next to the girl. "Hi! I'm Jung Hoseok, and this is Song Yui" Hoseok introduces them to the older lad that was awake and the girl. "I'm Kim Seokjin; nice to meet you both," the older lad introduces himself. "Im Nam Jinkyong," the girl introduce herself. Hoseok blushed when the girl was close to him. "Is this your first year?" Seokjin asks them. "Yes! And yours is..?" Hoseok told him. "Third year! Proud Hufflepuff!" Seokjin told them as they turned to look at Jinkyong. "I'm a first," she answers. Yui smiles at them. Perhaps she will befriend the girl, and if she gets sorted to Hufflepuff, she will have someone to talk to once she opens up a bit.

The whistle blows once more, and that was the last signal aboard the train. "I can sense you two be in Hufflepuff, and as for you, Gryffindor! If you are, then I'll welcome you both with open arms!" Seokjin told them. "Thank you! We appreciate it," Hoseok shouted, making the sleeping boy wake up. "Yah! Silence! I'm trying to sleep!" said the dark-haired boy as he stared at everyone in the room with a glare. "Sorry," Hoseok apologize.

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