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chapter 04
"trouble in paradise"

the junix was a gang originally formed by kwon jiyong, in which only a few people had knowledge of. the junix was originally created for sex trafficking but later on transferred into less suspicious business to avoid police encounters, which have nearly been caused. now, the junix remains as a gang used to give others either voluntary sexual pleasure, or forced sexual pleasures to gain the knowledge and trust of others to later on ruin their lives ( if wanted to by the person doing the job ) or even, to form relations, and to gain the pleasure of sexual pleasure. each of these actions are rewarded with certain amount of money, depending on the job. 


the next day, the junix found themselves in quite the situation. however, it wasn't a situation that couldn't be fixed. but at last, jiyong thought otherwise.

the room filled with nothing but his own rage. no one knew what jiyong was going to do. but boy, they knew it was going to be a terrible ride.

jiyong raised his arms in frustration. "after i told all of you not to go near them, you decide to betray me?" the young girl was stubborn. she crossed her arms, seemingly not at all to be innocuous. "well you'll be damned to hear that i love him, jiyong. i'm allowed to visit him whether you like it or not."

this girl really is impossible..

jackson unknowingly stared at jiyong. he was curious, wondering what he would do.

jiyong rubbed his temples before running towards kiana with all of his might and pinning her up on the brick wall.

kiana was a short, dark skinned girl who had recently joined jiyong and his gang. she was desperate for men, but she was more desperate for jackson.

jiyong leaned in towards her and whispered into her ear, murmurs coming from behind him from the lunch room, "cant you understand that i own you?" he ran his fingers through her hair, "you can't back out now. you're mine, you're my property. not jackson's."

she was a complete nuisance. jackson wanted nothing to do with her after their short interaction at the marbela hotel, which he hasn't spoken to anyone about since. 

he could've possibly led her on, yes, but that was no longer his problem. he admired her body. he loved her curves, her breasts.  but there was something about her that prevented him from latching on to her. though, she only had one job. she wasn't allowed to catch any feelings, but she did, and now it has turned into a fatal situation. it could've been said that it was his fault, but he thought the contrary.

however, jackson tried his best to not seem concerned, and so far, it seemed to be working.

"come on, jackson, tell him. tell him you want to be with me!" she pleaded as he laid her head back on the wall, biting down on her bottom lip afterwards from jiyong running his hands down her thigh.

"shocking. he's just touching your thigh and you're already getting wet underneath him." he looked to his sides, a smirk creeping onto his face. "what do you want me to do about that?"

soon after, the room began to fill with the rest of the gang members. out came mina from her bedroom wearing a maroon bralette and a pair of black shorts, maroon fluffy flip flops on her feet. mina winked at kiana as she entered the room and stepped next to jackson, jackson putting his arm around her waist. jiyong did the same with kiana.

"trying to steal jackson again, i assume?" mina snorted.

kiana looked over at jackson and bit down on her lips seductively, completely ignoring mina's presence.

"oh please, kiana. when will you notice that he only has eyes for me? it's clear that he doesn't want you, why keep trying?"

the people that surrounded the small crowd gasped. people's soft chitter-chatter remained in the atmosphere as kiana stuck up her middle finger. jiyong grabbed kiana's neck and forced her back onto the brick wall. "listen to me, and listen to me closely."

the short girl tried to wedge herself out of his grip.

"keep this stupid act up and you're dead. i'm sick and tired of this shitty act." he picked her up without hesitation and dragged her outside of the warehouse, 

after a short moment of silence, clapping was heard. it was namjoon, laughing hysterically at jiyong. after slamming the door on kiana's face.

yoongi stormed in, waving his hands in the air. "everyone get out! mark's coming over for a school project. i need you all to be out of here before he gets here." 

namjoon smirked, nudging yoongi. "pretty boy mark is coming over, i hear?" yoongi responded with a nudge back and an eye roll. "shut the hell up, he's just a friend."

everyone began exiting the large area.

then, a sudden knock was heard on the door. jackson's balanced his weight onto both of his feet as he turned to roll his eyes at yoongi before walking over towards the large door.  "oh please, you won't be able to get anywhere with him." jackson snorted just before opening the door and meeting mark's fixed look.



so much has been going on, so much drama, so much complication, so much stress, especially with schoolwork. i hope whoever is reading this, this new yet extremely late update, can i understand why i've been gone for so long ;c

i'll try my best to update and regain this book's "popularity" since it's nearly summer break, but again, i hope you guys can understand.

ily all u mak my heart go uwu

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