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Chapter 00


"Alright Mark, tell me. What is it that you dislike about Arcadia Bay High, huh?" 


"No, no. I know, deep down, this dumb school has issues that not even I can contain. But there must be something in particular that, you know.. really grinds your gears."

Mark chuckled, rubbing his temples. The room suddenly became warmer. 

"No, seriously, everything. I just, I really don't know just what makes me feel that way about Arcadia."

Yugyeom eyed Mark's facial expression. Mark found it hard to keep in contact with the younger, slender, tall boy, that seemed to be inspecting his face far too much. And the same stare remained for just another 30 seconds before the boy began to speak. 

"I know there's something. You're not saying it and I really want you to tell me what it is that you truly hate."

Mark's smile faded, "It's really not that import-"

"Say it."

"I'm not gonna say it, Yugyeom. And you know I'm not. But it's someone in particular, that I just can't really understand why they're even relevant..." Mark paused for second before continuing. "Just thinking about him really just grinds my gears." Mark chuckled as he did air quotes when he mentioned 'grinds my gears.' Yugyeom quickly shook his head, smacking his lips repeatedly. "It's Jackson Wang, isn't it? Dammit, I hate him too. He's popular for absolutely no reason. Seriously I just don't understand what Mina sees him. Or what he sees in Mina, I really don't comprehend how she even made it to senior year." 

Mark shook his head in agreement. "Well, you are right about that." 

"It's whatever, Mark. Just let him exist. Let Mina exist. We don't need them."

"Clearly, Yug. There's just something about them that's totally off and I can't ignore it."

"It's whatever." Yugyeom repeated, "They're irrelevant."

"You're right." Mark sighed.

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