1. The Irish Guardian Angel

Start from the beginning

I groped my way to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and splashing some water onto my face. I got dressed and went to look for food.

"Ugh, well I guess I should have expected this..." I mumbled to myself as I opened the very last cupboard, after searching everywhere including the suitcases without finding any food.

I looked over at the comfy couch. I couldn't decide what to do. I was starving and there was no food there. It wasn't something to kid around with and I was getting seriously hungry - how had it ever come this far? That damn jet lag was messing with my eating habits.

I found my red converse from last night under the couch, grabbed my black Ray Bans, iPhone, and wallet and headed out the door silently.

Well, there probably wouldn't be many fans out at this time of day, I thought to myself. I slipped the Raybans into my pocket and stopped for a second, enjoying the cool air. Oh man, had I missed London! There was a thick clump of fog and not many people in the street.

I checked my phone and the clock read 5:52 AM - I looked around for possible food sources. Of course - my usual spot, they opened at 6:00 AM. It had been ages since I had last been there. I crossed the street as I pulled up my hood.


I ran across the street and pushed the door open to Starbucks. It was really foggy this morning and there weren't many people in the streets. Did I miss out on some kind of holiday? However, it WAS six in the morning so it was only logical that there would be only a few people awake.

I breathed heavily and put down the three bags and the white canvas I was carrying. I still had a brown, large, leather shoulder bag that I wore across my body. I pulled out my one earphone and smiled at the girl behind the counter.

"Morning Molly," she said to me, smiling. "The usual? Miles is in the back, which means I do not know you, got it?" she whispered to me and winked.

I laughed. "And good morning to you too, Jules - don't you think he has figured it out yet? I mean, I have been coming here twice a week for the past three months - I ought to know you by now, right? Anyway, yeah the usual - and a Caffé Misto venti double shot with ... hm, Irish cream syrup, that sounds so yummy- I could really use some caffeine, I'm absolutely drained from energy!" I whispered back at her.

I could hear the door open behind me, and I made no effort in turning around to see who came in the door as I shuddered when the gust of cold, humid wind came in contact with my body.

"Well, yes ma'am," Jules said before saluting while grinning and going to the back, probably to get some coffee beans.

My phone started ringing, so I sat down beside my bags, plugged in my earphone and answered. "Morning Molly, how are things going? You enjoying all of that spare time you got now?" the familiar voice asked.

"Granny! Yeah I'm great, I'm fine, I'm just running a little...well a lot late this morning actually. You know, since I have these three different jobs, not a big deal. How are Pete and Lissie - and Grandpa? I miss them so much!" I asked and started doodling on a tissue using a sharpie I had in my purse.

"They are great - they miss you too! You got another job? Wow - you do know we would be more than glad to help you financially if..." she let her sentence trail off and spoke again. "Anyway, I was wondering if you could look after them this Thursday? Grandpa and I wanted to go to this classic concert and it's been a while since you've last seen them - so we were thinking-" I cut her off mid sentence.

"Yes, of course I will! That would be perfect. I'll be there at six, 'kay?" I saw that Jules was almost done with my order as she poured the last espresso shot in the cup.

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