• Twenty six •

Start from the beginning

"Y-you just! Oh my, Taehyung!"

"Stop yelling at me!"

"You yelled at me first!" This is turning into a competition on who can be the loudest.


"Here's your phone, I put my number and snapchat in there. You should consider getting a pass code" He cocks his head to the side, one of his fûckboy traits.


Don't you dare. Smirking, he wiped his dirty hands across my cushions and rubbed it in. Subconsciously, I launched from my chair and landed on top of the infuriating boy.

He was laughing hysterically as I slapped at his chest and wriggled around.

"Nari, stop, I can't. My ribs! I can't breathe!" His laugh was incredibly loud as I continued my attack.

"Fight back!"

Protectively, he covered his face with his hands, not only to deflect my furry but to hide his chuckles. "I can't fight you, you're adorable" He wheezes.


"Stop." He cuts me off rudely, "just fix me. My face is my asset, well second best" He attempts to wink but squints after it pains him too much to do so.

Chuckling, I carry out with my quest to find the first aid kit. Eventually, I locate it and approach the injured boy.

"Let me see" I say quietly, desperately not trying to anger him anymore. Hesitantly, he lowers his hand and shows me his eye. It's badly bruised already and there's a small laceration at the end of his eyebrow. Beads of blood slope down his face, I notice he's sweating every so slightly. This shouldn't be but is slightly attractive. His angry expression mixed with his black eye is intimidating but in an exciting way.

"Does it hurt?" I ask politely.

His reply is the opposite of polite, "what do you think stûpid?"


Beginning to play with his hair, I recap my dream. Would he really be like that in the future? Probably not, he'll never grow up. I snap back to reality when a feel his arms grow tighter around me, bringing me closer to him. He looks so ethereal while he sleeps, no vulgar comments or immaturity. Just sheer bliss, even with his black eye. My hand continues to play with the hair at the back of his neck; finger entwining with the stands, undoing any knots that have formed overnight. He moans in his sleep and my action halt immediately. What is he dreaming about? He then groans and moves one arm off my side, his hand coming up to mine, pushing it into his hair, dreamily asking me to continue.

I chuckle quietly and play with his long locks once more. Minutes pass and I'm beginning to lose the feeling in my hand, in the end, bringing it to lay over him. Taehyung pouts cutely and barely opens his eyes.

"Good morning gorgeous" He says with his gravelly morning voice. 'Good morning gorgeous' that's exactly what he said in my dream...

"Good morning Taehyung" I whisper.


"It's a gift" I bow cockily and accidentally head butt the table. Pain shoots through my skull and streams down my pain. Instinct snaps into me and I clutch my head while everyone bar Taehyung laughs hysterically. Jimin laughs so hard he falls onto his side, Jungkook slaps Yoongi's leg as Yoongi slaps Jungkook's. Namjoon wipes away a tear as Seokjin bends over, holding his ribs.

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