The beginning of Elma's nightmare

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A common day in Kobayashi's apartment, all that was heard was the song of the birds, in the sense that Thoru gets out of bed and goes to take a shower for a new day.

Thoru: (taking a shower, he begins to think) because today I feel that something serious is going to happen ... I think that today I will see Kobayashi at work without realizing it.

Once Thoru finished his shower, he changes and goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

In the room with wings, listen to the alarm and go to kobayashi

Kobayashi: (sonnoloenta) good morning Thoru, wow you made breakfast. Well, I'm going to bathe and go back.

While you are in Kanna's room

I was dreaming, but what started as a dream ended in a nightmare

Kanna: (cries of fear and crying) kobayashi

He quickly enters and hugs Kanna and tells her what happened to him and what he said was terrible for his age

Kanna: why did you kill Elma-Sama?

Kobayashi looks puzzled in Kanna's eyes and tells her that it was impossible for her to be a dragon and I was a human. Practically impossible

One hour passes and Kanna and Kobayashi leave the apartment.

Kanna: kobayashi what I dreamed is not real

Kobayashi: (doubtful) of course not kanna jeje

Kanna enters the school and kobayashi goes to work

Elma: good morning kobayashi-sempai

Kobayashi: good morning Elma

He spent his day at work and friends said goodbye

Kobayashi: hehe until tomorrow Elma may be your last day

Elma: I do not understand what he said, but his skin crawled

It will be that the nightmare of kanna will have some relation with kobayashi

Kobayashi-san Chi no maid dragon: "True enemy or false friend"Where stories live. Discover now