You are the reason - Levi x Missing!Reader

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You are the reason - Calum Scott


There goes my heart beating

'Cause you are the reason

I'm losing my sleep

Please come back now

She was gone. Missing. No where to be found. So many memories and moments never to be experienced again. So many had tried to find her, but to no vain. She was gone without a trace. Police struggled to find out what had happened, but there were no more information than what they started with. They concluded after two years that she was dead. It had now been three years since the incident, and the one struggling the most were her lover himself; Levi Ackerman. Half of him was gone. He alone had been searching for new information for the past years till now, but nothing more had been found. Oh, how he missed the warmth that radiated of your skin when you slept. The soft kisses he never was to feel again every morning. Now he was welcomed by darkness.

There goes my mind racing

And you are the reason

That I'm still breathing

I'm hopeless now

Every day was a challenge for Levi. Was it time to just give up searching for you? Should he just accept that you were gone. He refused, but the more days that passed, the more his thoughts took over, and the more his thoughts took over, the more he just wanted to end it all. Just give up on you. Give up on life. But he didn't want to let go just yet. It had to be more to the story than they had discovered till now. That's why he was still breathing. But it was incredibly hard to go on like this. He felt alone, cold and hopeless.

I'd climb every mountain

And swim every ocean

Just to be with you

And fix what I've broken

Oh, 'cause I need you to see

That you are the reason

The day you vanished, you had been in an argument. It was actually not a serious one. Just small arguments here and there that would happen occasionally, but something was different that day. One of the arguments had been about something that meant a lot to you, and Levi knew that. When you vanished Levi contemplated if he had gone too far. If so, he would do anything to fix it. Just for you to come back. He would throw his pride of the edge of Grand Canyon if he needed to. Because all he needed was her- You. Oh, how he prayed you were okay somewhere, and maybe. Just maybe, would he be able to see the bright smile adorning your big eyes full of shimmer. That was the reason he kept fighting. For you.

There goes my hands shaking

And you are the reason

My heart keeps bleeding

I need you now

He remembered the day clear as diamonds. The day you went missing. That day went as usual, until the evening came. You were out grocery shopping. The hours past and you hadn't returned home. Stars had begun littering the dark sky when Levi called the police. The days after were the hardest he had ever experienced. Even worse than the deaths of his best friends. He was afraid and shaking uncontrollably. The police searched for days and many people from the city joined the search for you. The woman who had a big role in many peoples lives. Many were heartbroken, but no one was suffering as hard as Levi. The search went on, but nothing helped. After two years the case was closed, because the police could not find any valuable evidence. Every day was a new nightmare. Every day, he would have a new silent breakdown. Everyday he would suffer. Alone. All he needed was for you to come back in his arms. Never before had he needed you more than now.

If I could turn back the clock

I'd make sure the light defeated the dark

I'd spend every hour, of every day

Keeping you safe

If he were aware of what was to occur, he would have protected you with his life. He would give away his life for you to live happily instead of him. Maybe would he have been with you to the store and protect you. He would keep you safe until he died. He would have made sure that you were smiling beside him right now, and then loved you everyday from then on. But, it was all if's, dreams and thoughts. They would never be real. Because it was too late now.

And I'd climb every mountain

And swim every ocean

Just to be with you

And fix what I've broken

Oh, 'cause I need you to see

That you are the reason

You are the reason

I need you to hold me tonight

Levi could not live with this pain. It was too much for him to handle alone. You were gone for good. It was too late anyways. He needed you to hold him, kiss him, love him. The guy known as Levi was gone. There were no parts of him anymore. All of him was killed when you had vanished. But he never gave up, because every night he could feel a strange warmth touch him. He could hear faint whispers in his ears. That's why he kept on living. Because he knew you were living in him and helping him trough his day.

I'd climb every mountain

And swim every ocean

Just to be with you

And fix what I've broken

'Cause I need you to see...

You were the reason he kept on fighting till the end.


I want to thank you all for everything. That you read this, and that you are alive. I am beyond grateful. If you didn't exist, maybe I wouldn't be here. Thank you for everything. Each one of you means the whole world to me. <3

Thanks for reading!

 Levi x Reader | OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang