Forever and always - Thug!Levi x Noble!Reader

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(h/c) - hair color
A soft click was heard when (Name) skillfully closed the door and sneaked out from the big mansion. She was on her way to see her secret lover. The one nobody would approve off. Especially her family and the people that admired them for their success.

The (last name) family was rich and had whatever they needed just because of her fathers success. (Name) loved them all dearly, but she had to admit that her parents weren't the best. They didn't give her freedom to make her own decisions, and that's why she was forced into marrying someone she had no interest in.

Her 'husband' would never love her, even when they were acting in front of their parents. He was a captain in the military but also a greedy pig and a cheating bastard. He was nothing more, and would never be. He had women on the sidelines all the time, trying to cover it up.(Name) knew, but she couldn't care less. Whatever that pig did or whoever he paid to relieve stress with did not matter in her life.

(Name) only cared for one person.

She had found love. True love. But she couldn't be with him. Only because of their reputation.

(Name) would not give up on the one who had a dear place in her heart just because she was married away. He was Levi Ackerman. The rudest, sassiest, but most fantastic man she had ever met. The only one she wanted to be with and love.

That's why she was sneaking out in the middle of the night. Just to see him, even though she was married to another man.


After successfully getting away from the mansion and into the gardens around, she knew exactly where he would be waiting for her. Her legs moved on their own and after what felt like second she was there staring at his back. He was sitting peacefully in the fresh, green grass staring out at the horizon. The starry sky shining just on their little spot. She made her way over to him and plopped herself just beside him. No words were exchanged between the two. Only comfortable silence.

Levi wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to himself.
(Name)'s navy blue dress was sprawled in front of her, not caring if it got dirty. Her loose (h/c) hair followed the movements of the wind  when it blowed and the stars shined in her eyes. (Name) turned her head to look at her lover. She took in his defined jawline, nose, how his hair laid perfectly on top of his head and his glowing steel eyes. They glistened in the dark, like the moon. He was handsome, but just one look at his clothing, everyone could tell he was from the lower class.

Levi turned his head and stared at (Name) with the same amount of love in his eyes. (Name) slowly wrapped her hand around his shoulder and their foreheads pressed together.

Right now, it was just them that mattered. All the worlds worries washed away and time stood still.

Their lips met and they kissed with an indescribable passion. It was perfect. Just how it was meant to be.


"How is that bastard doing?" Levi asked, not because he cared for him. Only because he cared for his girl.

"He and the rest of the military is supposed to arrive back home tomorrow. That means we have to be extra careful from now on to meet each other. "

"I hope he never comes back."

"Levi!" (Name) giggled and playfully punched his arm. He himself smirked.
Oh how he loved that stupid grin on her face.

"All jokes aside, we really have to be careful and make as much we can out of our meetings." (Name) said and focused back on the view in front of them.

 Levi x Reader | OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now