Chapter 13: I Hate You, Don't Leave Me

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Jasmine's POV

   I look around the almost completely abandoned city, if you could even call it that. Up close it looks run down.

   I wish that James hadn't left me. At least I had a place to stay there. Even though I hated getting beaten up, it would have been better than this; I have no idea where I am.

   I walk over to the store and climb through the window once again. I walk to the closed storage room door, open it, and step inside. Inside the old storage room, I close the door and walk to the back. I find a packaged sleeping bag and open it up. I lay it out on the floor and go to sleep. The floor is not comfortable, but it's still better than nothing. I fall asleep, exhausted from the night's events.

Demi's POV  

   I am walking down a dark hallway, my hands behind my back, "HELP!" I yell, but no one listens. I am sweating and crying as I'm dragged into a room, the door slamming behind me. I hear a lock click as I fall, endlessly.

   I wake up panting with tears falling down my face. I've felt so alone since Jasmine has been taken. The police still haven't found her and I'm terrified. I just need someone right now. Who could I call? My family is in Texas and they wouldn't be able to get here for a while. Then I remember! Wilmer is in New York filming a new movie. I haven't talked to him since 2017, 11 years ago. I reach for my phone. I nervously type his phone number into my phone and press call. Wilmer answers.

   "Hello? Who is this?"

   "Hey Wilmer, this is Demi... Please don't hang up. I'm really, really sorry for lying to you, I still can't forgive myself for ruining our friendship. I just, Jasmine was taken and I'm so alone..."

   "Are you okay? Where are you?"

   "New York. Hilton Times Square."

   "I'm coming right now."

   "Thanks so much, I miss you..."

   "See you soon," Wilmer responds hanging up the phone, leaving me on the other end.

   I sit in the hotel bed and turn on the TV. The only thing on the news is how Demi Lovato has 'ditched her music for her daughter', whatever! Not true! I just am scared for her.

   I turn the TV off when I hear a knock on the door. I slowly walk over to the door and open it. There stands Wilmer, 11 years later. He walks up to me and gives me a hug, "Are you okay?" he asks.

   I shrug and sit on the bed. Wilmer sits beside me and we just talk...

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