Chapter 9: In Real Life

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Jasmine's POV

   I wake up to a loud knock and the sound of a lock unlatching. Slowly, the bedroom door creaks open, "Get up and come with me," one of the men orders. I look a little closer and see that it's the other guy, I can't remember his name, Will, I think. I trust him even less than my father and that's saying something. He walks into the room, grabs my arm, and practically drags me out of the room and down the stairs. I follow the man through a living room, through a door, and down another set of stairs into a basement.

   The basement is dark and loud. People are everywhere talking and music is playing in the background. The room reeks of alcohol and everyone has some sort of cup in their hand; what is this place? The man leads me to a bit of a quieter room and sits me down on a bed, "Don't move," he orders, stepping outside the room.

   I wait for about 10 minutes before Will leads three more men into the room. They look at me, obviously drunk.

   "Here," Will says, "she's all yours until 8 this morning. Just don't kill her or anything."

   As soon as I heard that, I freaked out. What were they planning on doing to me? The three men walk up to me, then start hitting me; now I know what the plan was. I'm the girl who's going to just sit there and get beat up by a bunch of drunks. One of the men throws me against a wall. I feel blood dripping down my arm and can taste some in my mouth. When will this disaster end? Slowly, the scenery fades away from the constant beating and blood loss. Then everything goes black...

Demi's POV

   The police still  haven't found her. It's almost been a day and even though it's 4 in the morning I can't sleep. I wonder what's happening to Jasmine now. Is she locked up, or is she in a car heading somewhere, I don't know? But whatever it is, I'm terrified! I'm putting the press tour on hold until we find her, that's for certain. There is no way that I'm just going to leave New York as if nothing's happened. I just hope she's okay...


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