Chapter 14: In Case

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Wilmer's POV

   At 4 am I get a call. Unknown caller. I answer it; it could be important. "Hello? Who is this?"

   "Hey Wilmer, this is Demi..."

   I take the phone away from my ear, ready to hang up...

   "Please don't hang up. I'm really, really sorry for lying to you, I still can't forgive myself for ruining our friendship. I just, Jasmine was taken and I'm so alone..."

   What? She was taken?! Poor Demi... "Are you okay? Where are you?" I ask.

   "New York. Hilton Times Square."

   "I'm coming right now."

   "Thanks so much, I miss you..."

   "See you soon," I respond, unwilling to show any emotion towards her. I haven't seen her in almost 11 years, I should have thought this through. Still, I do what I promised and drive towards the hotel where Demi is staying. Nervously I walk up to her room, which I only found after asking the front desk, then knock three times, our used-to-be secret code.

   When Demi opens the front door, I can't believe my eyes. Her face is tear-stained and she looks tired and scared, lost even. Without thinking I reach out to hug her. Then we walk to her bed, sit down, and talk.

Demi's POV

   I can still barely believe that Wilmer came. I didn't realize just how much I missed him until I heard him knock three times and he gave me a hug. If I hadn't lied 11 years ago, we may have been married by now... I wish I had done things differently. 


   "So... Why are you in New York?"

   "This is where Jasmine was taken; I need to stay here until she's found," I reply.

   "Okay, let's just start with the elephant in the room then," Wilmer begins, "Why did you call me of all people?"

   "Because, I knew that you were here and I was scared of relapsing and I felt like you would come," I say quietly.

   "Well, this is a little awkward..."

   "I know, but I really would like to be friends again. Seriously, I missed you and wish I had never lied, I just-"

   "Didn't want people thinking you were into a criminal? I know, and I do forgive you."

   "Thank you. I'll tell the media, seriously, I will, if it means that much to you."

   "No, it doesn't, you don't have to tell," Wilmer responds.

   I smile and hug him again, "Thanks so much, I needed this. I just miss her so much..."

   "I know you do, Demi."

   We lay down and fell asleep, his arm over my stomach, keeping me safe and calming me immediately; this is home...

The Lost Daughter (Demi Lovato)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora