Chapter 11: On The Line

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Demi's POV

   It's now 6 pm and they still haven't found Jasmine. She's been missing for more than a full day. I'm scared of what's happening to her. All I want is to see her again, but right now, I don't even know if she's alive...

Jasmine's POV

   At around 8 pm, James knocks on my door, unlocks it, and steps inside, "Are you ready?" he asks.

   I nod, looking up at him.

   "Let's get you ready then," he says. James hands me black sweats, a black hoodie, worn-out runners, and a black backpack, "Get changed and knock on your door when you're ready," he explains stepping outside the room.

   I put on the clothes. The drawstring on the sweats can't go any tighter and I'm scared that they could fall down, but other than that, everything is fine. I knock on the door signaling for James to come in. He steps into the room, puts my hood up, then nods, "Let's get going then," he says.

   He gets me into the passenger's seat of the car, not blindfolding me this time, and we drive off towards wherever the store is that I have to steal from. It seems that both of the men had different plans for me and didn't tell each other about them. I wonder why they worked together in the first place if that is the case, whatever, this is far more important.

   We park on a street as it starts to get dark, "The store closes at 10 on weekdays," James explains. "Once they're done packing up, you'll go inside and fill up this backpack from the supply shelf in the back. Then you'll run. Five loads, then you can go," he hands me a map. On the map there is a labelled window, which I will sneak through, and a direct path to the back storage room. He hands me a key labelled "storage" and says to use it if the door is locked. 

   I look at the clock. It's just barely 10. Soon, I'll have to break the law. Is that why he is making me do it; so that I break the law and get in trouble, or so that he can't get in trouble for breaking the law? The police would surely understand since I'm sure that there's been a report filed about me missing. Still, I'm terrified.

James' POV

   If she doesn't follow through with the task, she'll never get free. I need all 5 loads of the alcohol from the storage of this store. If she gets caught, then I'll also be ruined, that's why I've been giving her tips about breaking and entering, which is basically what she's doing, this better work the way I planned...


Hey guys! I'm in the middle of math class right now and I'm so bored so I decided to do a spontanious upload. Hope you like it!


Update: Edited as of March 14, 2018.

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