Author's Note About The Prequel

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Okay, so I know that this story is over and has been for a while, but I would just like to ask you guys to read my prequel after this story and maybe check out the other stories on my profile. Also, if you guys would like to, predict in the comments of this author's note what you think will happen in the sequel. Whoever's closest will get a mention and chapter dedicated to them in the sequel. The first chapter of the sequel will be published on Wednesday or Friday, depending on my boredom, but a confirmation update will soon be posted. 

If you haven't already you can read the sequel which is called The Lost Love and is about Demi and James relationship before Jasmine is born.

If you haven't already you can read the sequel which is called The Lost Love and is about Demi and James relationship before Jasmine is born

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This is what that story's cover looks like, but if you guys have any better ideas, you can make the cover page and send it to me.


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