peta support meeting

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Crystal pov

"I hate when they abused puppies at the pet store" I heard one of the girls talking at the peta support group. That we had, at a local church nearby from the city, but still in the countryside it was small town. Though, I look around the church in the room, there was 15 other people in our support group. In the back of my mind, I was thinking about the poor apes that in Gen-Sys. It was terrible place what I saw and that happening them, Gen-Sys they were hiding me was going to find out.

"Crystra" I heard the peta support group member called my name, I smiled at her as I answer "anything you want share with the group" she asked me. I was mad and sitting in my chair as if I didn't care about nothing, "I got fired from Gen-Sys for getting caught but they are up to something my theory is –"than I was cut off, "please crystal more theory's "she said before she went to next member than they started to whine about the abuse what about this we. Could do things or change something if we just take action, though whiney bitches.

I thought to myself, as the meeting was dismissed the leader called my name I groan over as I walk over to her. "Crystal I believe your heart is in the right place, for the work that peta stands for, trust me I understand you. But you need to stop about your blogging I am worry for you" I got mad I just ran and left to go to the bathroom where I hid while I cry. Why doesn't anyone feel this about the ones that can't stand up for themselves?

I cry until I pull myself togther, than I left the bathroom, than headed down the staris when. I saw zack, down near the exit doors and he had yellow package within his hands. "Hi?" I said, "I got something about , Gen-Sys here I had hacked into their system theirs something big in there." He quickly hands to me, than I quickly put in my bag than I went to speak. He was gone like a ghost in them creepy movies you see, then I went out my motorcycle finally I got another closer to the dark secret of Gen-Sys

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