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I woke up to Kelly running into the bathroom. I sat up and heard her in there sick. I got up and went in and rubbed her back. She sat on the floor and leaned against the wall.

"This sucks" She said.
"I'm sure. I'm sorry I hate seeing you like this."
"It's okay... it's for a good reason. Only 32 more weeks to go." She said laughing.
"What time is It?" She then asked.
"Only 530." I told her.
"Ugh you are going to be so exhausted tonight I'm sorry."
"Darling I'm fine!"

She stood up and brushed her teeth and then went back out to the bed. I followed. I covered her up.

"Do you want some water? Crackers?" I asked.
"Cold water sounds good." She said I kissed her head.
"I'll be back love."

I put Just my sweats on and ran downstairs. I got to the kitchen and Jaylee was down there.

"Hey jay." I said.
"Hi Luke..." she said pouring coffee. I grabbed a cold bottle of water.
"Why are you up so early?" I asked her.
"Just can't sleep... you?"
"Kells morning sickness." I said getting a glass of ice.
"I see."
"You okay hun?" I asked her. I leaned against the counter.

"Would Mike cheat on me?" She asked out of no where.
"Jesus jay. I doubt It. Why?" I asked shocked.
"He's been hiding his phone an awful lot lately... he's been distant to for the past week or so..."
"I'll find out what's going on.." I said. I went over and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around me and started crying.

**Mikes POV**

I woke up to Jaylee not being there. I went down the steps and went to the kitchen. I saw Luke holding her in his arms. He was shirtless at that. I got pissed and went back upstairs. I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Thanks for the talk luke." I heard her say outside the door.
"Day or night I'm here." I heard Luke say.

She opened the door and walked in.

"Hi. What are you doing up?" She asked me.
"Just catching you cheating on me with your best friends husband!" I yelled.
"Michael!" She said sternly.
"I'm done with this Jay. You stare at him all the time flirt with him...."
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"Why you whispering so kelly his wife who's pregnant doesn't hear!?"
"Because Bo and Tate are right next to us mike!" She said.
"I'm out of here." I said. I went to walk out but she stopped me.

"What so you can go see your other girlfriend!" She said.
"What are you talking about??"
"I know you are seeing someone mike you are distant hide your phone I'm not dumb!"
" I catch you in the act so you assume you can say I'm cheating??" I said.
"Give me your phone then." She asked.
"No that's bullshit"
"Exactly..." She said. She grabbed her stuff.
"Where are you going!?" I asked pissed.
"Away from you!"

She left the room. I sat there pissed off.


There was a little knock on the door. Kells and I were cuddled up watching tv.

"Come in..." She said sitting up. Jaylee opened the door she was in tears.
"Jay what's wrong?" We both said.
"Can I come sit down for a minute." She asked.
"Of course!" Kelly said sitting up.
"Is there anywhere else I can sleep?" She asked.
"I can take her upstairs?" I asked kelly.
"True I guess some of the guys are out in the garage... jay you need to talk?" Kelly asked.
"No... i just need to sleep."

I got out of bed. I was just in boxers. Jay looked away.

"Luke!" Kelly yelled.
"Sorry sorry I wasn't thinking...." I said hurrying up and putting my sweats on.

I grabbed jays bag.

"Let's go." I said.

We walked upstairs. I went and opened the room with the queen bed.

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