Chapter Two

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I kicked the door shut behind me and walked into the house. The lights were off and the blinds were drawn. God sake it's six in the morning, I don't even remember shutting them. Jay must have when he came in last night. I made my way through the dark hall and into the kitchen. Walked over to the French doors I pulled the blinds opened to let the morning sun in. Taking a good look at the orange and blue sky I turned and walked out the kitchen and into the dining room. I pulled the blinds up in there and then in the living room.

I walked into the kitchen and took out a can of red bull from the fridge. As I shut the fridge door I heard the top step floor board creek. Frowning, I shut the fridge quietly. Please let it be Jay, please let it be Jay. I walked slowly towards the kitchen door was and stood waiting for the figure to appear. Even though I was hoping it was Jay, I knew it wasn't. It was just going to be some slut.

The person crept down the last step quietly. Her bright blonde hair was a bit of a mess, her short dress clung to her and was so high it should be illegal, in one hand was a pair of black high heels and in the other was a black clutch. Ah the walk of shame, such a cruel thing to such an innocent person. Please note the sarcastic comment. I cracked open my can of red bull and took a sip as I watched her poor executed escape. At the sound of the can opening her stance turned ridged and she froze.

"So lovely of you to have the decency to leave before I came home" I said sarcastically. She spun around and glared at me. Getting a good look at her I noticed she was the same age as Jay, or maybe a year older. Her dress revealed way too much cleavage. At seventeen I would say that sort of outfit should be illegal. When she looked at me she stood up straight and plasters a smirk on her face, trying to intimidate me. Unlucky for you honey, I don't work like that.

"Who the fuck are you? His girlfriend?" She snapped. Oh we have a feisty one tonight. That just made me smile and chuckle quietly.

"Nope" I shook my head and leaned against the door frame. She dropped one of her hips, putting all her weight on the opposite leg and put her hand on her hip.

"You're just desperate if you think he'll come crawling back to you. He has me now and he loves me" she insisted. Now this made me clutch my stomach with laughter. Someone spells desperate.

"One, I don't agree with insets" she gave me a funny look; I sighed and shook my head. "I'm his sister" I elaborated for her pea sized brain. "Two, he certainly doesn't love you. Three, you're just one of his daily fucks who he doesn't give a shit about. You fuck him then he moves on to the next whore he finds. So, I suggest you move your ass out of my house" I waved my hand at the door.

"Just you wait, I'll be back when he tells me he can't live with-" she rambled off some pathetic story about him loving her blah blah blah. Does she really think I've not heard this before, I get this at least three times a week. The other three or four have the decency to leave before I arrive home or to sneak out a different way if I'm still in the house.

"Wait" I pushed off the wall and took a step closer to her before smiling "are you Chantelle State?"

"Yes. Why the fuck do you want to know? Have you heard of my father? With the state of your house I would say that I could easily help with this if Jay asks. I don't think he would though, so don't get your hopes up. I understand that living in such a small pathetic house with so little money and seeing me would obviously make you feel jealous and inclined to ask for help, but I don't do charity" she stated. She smiled a sickly sweet smile that made me feel sick and ready to punch that fake face of hers but I held back. I don't want to catch some disease from touching her. I don't know we're she got the idea that this is a small house, its six bedrooms. I'm going to go with she's still drunk or she's just a bitch. Maybe both.

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