Chapter Three

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"Eva Jade Hale" someone screeched as a loud door slammed and loud footsteps echoed down the hall and up the stairs. Oh great, this can't be good.

From that screech, I'm going to say that Nicole is here. No one can shout like that. No more than ten seconds later her, Macy and Luke barged into my room, battering my door opened.

I was lying on my bed with my notebooks on my lap and a highlighter in hand, but after the bang they were scattered all over my bed.

"So lovely of you to grace me with your presence" I said sarcastically as I sat up and tidied my notes back into the notebook.

"What happened with you and Blake?" Ahh straight to the point I see.

"Well hello to you too" I smiled sarcastically. She huffed and marched over to me, picked up my notebooks and flung them on the floor before sitting down, crossed legged and facing me scowling. I looked over to the mess of paper on the floor. Well I guess I'm done studying.

"Don't bullshit me" She snapped. I crossed my legs and leaned forward. Luke was standing on the wall across from my bed, his arms folded. He stood with his back against the wall as he watched Nicole snap at me. An amused smile stood out on his face. He caught me glancing at him, he winked and smirked. Of course he doesn't care. He's just here to watch what happens so he doesn't miss anything. And I bet Nicole dragged him.

"You know what she's talking about" Macy said. She climbed onto the other side of my bed and sat next to Nicole.

I leaned back against my headboard and crossed my arms over my chest. I sat like that in silence for a minute pretending to think. "Nope, nothing rings a bell" I said shaking my head.

"Stop fucking with us. You two were flirting with each other all yesterday" Nicole snapped. Luke and Macy nodded their heads.

"Were we? I never knew" I said innocently. I stood up and walked across my room and picked up my notebook and notes, placing them on my desk top, I sat on my desk chair and swivelled round to face them again.

"Stop acting like you done nothing" Nicole stood up and flung her arms in the air. This is how I expected her to act. She's always been like this. When I lost my virginity at sixteen she nearly exploded when I refused to tell her anything. I told her a shortened down version about a week later. It kept her happy because she was going crazy not knowing, but she's still to this day trying to get the rest of it out of me.

"Why is this bothering you so much?" I frowned.

"Because I know you like him and he likes you. The thing I don't get is why you two aren't together yet. There's nothing holding you back" she sat back down on the edge of my bed and sighed. "It's frustrating that you don't see it" she said quietly.

"I don't like him that way. He's just a friend" I stated.

"God sake. You are so stubborn" Macy flung her arms up in the air in frustration. So, this is getting to her as well.

"I know I'm stubborn. Dad always told me I was stubborn" I stood up and said loudly. They all stopped and looked at me. Their faces full of panic. What did I say?

"Did I say dad?" I muttered after a minute. Their eyes grew wider; they gulped and nodded their heads slowly. Stumbling back, I fell onto my desk chair. Images of my dad and mum came into my head. Their happy faces laughing at something I had said, then the news portraying the car crash. I closed my eyes tightly, took a deep breath and counted to ten. It's been over a year since I talked about them. It's still as painful today as it was two years ago.

A loud smash made me snap out of my panicked state and jump up alerted. I scanned the room quickly before rushing to the door and running downstairs towards to source of the noise. Loud footsteps echoed behind me, which clearly was Macy, Nicole and Luke.

Everything Has Changedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें