Chapter Eight

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I shut the door and flung my keys on the table. Humming quietly I made my way down the hall towards the living room.

"How was the kiss?" Nicole asked popping out of nowhere.

I screamed and jumped back in surprise. "Did you have to jump out like that?" I held my chest and snapped at her. Why couldn't she give me some warning she was there? Even walking loudly so that I could have heard her footsteps. Not jump out and giving me a freaking heart attack.

She smiled but didn't apologise. Lovely.

"How was the kiss?" She repeated.

I walked past her and into the living room ignoring her question.

"You kissed?" Luke glanced at me before moving his gaze back onto the TV that was playing another football match. Nice to see I have his full and undivided attention.

"Yeah" I answered.

He nodded indicating he heard me.

"Tongue?" Blake turned to me and smirked.

"Yeah" I smiled and nodded.

"Nice" he held his hand out and I high fived it.

I sat on the arm chair of the couch and watched the football.

"What's the score?" I asked Blake.

"One, nil" he answered then took a sip of his beer.

"Evie" Nicole snapped.

I turned my head to her but kept my eyes on the TV. Come on, one of the footballers- who I never had time to check who it was -had the ball and was skilfully dodging everyone and the defence coming towards him and was gaining on the goals.

"Come on" Jake yelled at the TV and the footballers who obviously can't hear or see him.

"I'm over here not there" she snapped again.

I actually turned to face her this time. I'll know if someone scored from the guys yelling.

"What?" I asked.

"Tell us about the date?" she asked.

"It was good" I smiled and nodded before turning back around.

"That's it?" Macy asked disappointedly.

What are they expecting? A full blow by blow account of how he drove us there, what we had to eat, what we talked about. All they need to know was it was good and I enjoyed it.

"Can we please have girl talk for five minutes?" Nicole pleaded.

I turned to them and raised an eyebrow smirking.

"You can go back to being your normal self that never opens up and doesn't do girly things after you give us details" Nicole reasoned.

Hmm, it will get them to shut up and get off my back. Is it worth it?

"Please?" Macy drawled out the word.

Whats the harm? It's only five minutes.

"Fine, five minutes" I held up my hands in surrender. I stood up and made my way over to the other couch where Nicole and Macy were seated. I climbed up onto the arm of the couch and rested my feet on the couch and faced them.

"What do you want to know? And I'm not saying every detail about the night" I smiled down to them and making it clear I'll give them short answers.

"Where did you go?" Macy asked straight away.

"Paolo's. The new Italian restaurant that's down the block" I chuckled.

"Did you go anywhere after it?" Nicole asked.

Everything Has Changedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن