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Killian's POV

Emma and I were sitting at the table outside a small cafe eating lunch together. Since we had arrived Emma didn't say much, only replying with short answers and nodding. The thickness of the tension grew.

Yep, She knew.

I swear she knew every time I would lie, how? I had no idea.

Placing my fork down I took a deep breath before speaking, "Emma, I need to tell you something," I started. "I swear I was going to tell you just not that second because I didn't want to ruin your morning," I continued.

Emma's eyes followed my every moment as I spoke.

I heaved a sigh, "This morning David had called saying that the police think they had caught the taxi driver that purposely crashed the car," I watch Emma's eyes gloom at my words, causing my heart to crumble, "Sadly it wasn't the person but we finally have leads on the case." I placed my hand on top of Emma's soothing it in small strokes.

Emma smiled sadly nodding, her eyes watering.

"I promise to catch this person and get our justice for what he did, and I won't rest until he is behind bars. I swear it."

Getting up from her seat, Emma crashed into me in a warm hug. I placed her on my lap, holding her tight while her head held in the crook of my neck. My fingers immediately stroke through her golden blonde locks, feeling my shirt damp with her tears.

I place a small kiss on top of her head, "I will protect you," I mumbled into her hair.

I hate to feel defenseless. I failed to protect Emma more than once. But this time, no more mister nice guy, this time will be different and I won't rest until this is all over.

Emma's POV

Regina and I were sitting down on the couch together with a bowl of popcorn in between the middle of us as we watched 'Divergent' for the second time.

Killian and Robin and David went to go handle some things about the person who was responsible for my almost death.

I wasn't going to lie I was still shaken up about it but I had to be strong. Face my fears. Conquer them.

Other than that my mind was also somewhere else. Killian. I was still thinking about his purpose of marrying me. I mean if I ever have any children there was no doubt that I wanted them with him.

But was I ready for marriage? Was it the right time? Was it the right move? I didn't know for sure.

Would I regret it?

I was so damn nervous for sure, I mean who wouldn't be. Married is a big thing. I didn't tell Regina yet but I was going to get around it later.

"Oh my god, Theo is so fucking hot," Regina commented basically drooling at the TV screen and keeping her eyes glued to him.

I rolled my eyes popping a popcorn into my mouth, turning to face her, "Robin wouldn't like to hear that," I warned, chuckling.

"Well, Robin can suck it and get over it because Theo is a goddess compare to him."

I smirked, "I doubt Robin is the one sucking in the relationship,"

Regina gasped, "Emma!" she exclaimed, throwing a popcorn at me, which I dodged easily. I clutched my stomach laughing harder when her cheeks turned a dark shade of red.

"I would say the same to you." she shots back.

Sobering up my laughter I rolled my eyes training my attention back on the screen. "Whatever," I commented, nudging her shoulders against mine.

Our attention went to watching the movie when a noise outside caught our attention. Regina paused the movie and turned towards me.

"Are the boys back?" she asked.

I furrow my eyebrows. Picking up my phone I checked if Killian sent me any text messages Only to find there was the one he sent hours ago asking if I was alright, and that he loved me. Which still makes my heart skip a beat.

"I don't think so," I shrugged placing my phone back on the table and leaning back on the sofa.

Resuming the movie my stomach felt uneasy, but I ignore the feeling continuing the movie.

A few minutes pass and another sound was made but this time it was in the backyard.


Both Regina and I shot up from our seats in a panic.

"Tell me you heard that," she asked in a shaky breath.

I only nodded in response keeping my eyes glued to the back door. Slowly walking forward to the door, my heart quicken. The palms of my hand became sweaty.

"Wait, Emma what if its a burglar?" she whispered yelled.

I only keep slowly walking towards the back door, the closer I got the more nervous I felt. I mean she had a point.

"Shhh!" I commanded her.

Reaching for the doorknob, the cold metal of it sent chills down my spine. I gently but slowly turned the knob and pulled the door wide open.

My eyes quickly scan the backyard for any sign of a human being. The night starry night lit as I carefully looked. I decided to step outside looking left then right only to see no one. Everything still looked normal.

Though looking down I noticed the plant at fallen over and broke.

Something was definitely here for sure.

"Emma get back in here," I hear Regia's voice behind me demanding me.

I took one last glance before turning around to go back inside.

But turning around I felt a pair of eyes causing the hair of the back of my neck rise. It was like someone was watching me. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.

Getting ready to walk back into the house, I did a quick 180 and shrieked in fear.

The creature ran the opposite way in fear of my screaming.

My heart pound against my chest heavily.

"Awe c'mon Emma it's just a wild rabbit, nothing to be scared about," Regina spoke up chuckling, now standing next to me.

"Well it scared me," I stated, rolling my eyes, "But you are right, nothing to be scared about," I reassured.

Regina soon dragged me back into the house, locking it behind us.

Something still didn't feel quite right.  Goosebumps arose on my body. 

Why was that? 


Again idk if you guys know but feb 6 is when ouat was announced that it was over. but im still here to stay and write for you guys. 

just want to also say that not only that ill be writing but ill also be making and selling merch for you guys for ouat and everyone. the link is in my website on my wattpad. you can request who you want from any TV show also. so feel free to DM me here or instagram or on redbubble

 so feel free to DM me here or instagram or on redbubble

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