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Moving my fork against my food to the side of my plate, I sighed. I was currently sitting outside a small cafe with David eating my lunch. Not having the energy to eat at all.

"Boy, stop playing with your food and eat," David commanded giving me a warning glare.

Lifting up my head my eyes trained on him, "I'm not hungry." I grunted.

"Don't give me that bullshit, it is better for you to eat and have strength than not to eat and become weak and unhealthy." he went on.

I growled, "What's the point?" I slammed my fork on the table in anger, "I rather not eat and die right along with Emma." I gritted my teeth at the old man.

David's hand reached to smacked me against my head.

I grunted. "Ow! What was that for?"

"I needed to smack some sense into your goddamn fat head, you shouldn't be thinking like that!" gazing into his eyes, a flash of hurt glint in them.

Gosh, what is wrong with me?

I heave a sigh, shaking my head in disappointment, "I'm sorry David,"

"You ought to be, Emma means a lot to me too, and you saying that hurts me. It's not just you losing your mind. We are both hurting boy." his eyes blurred with tears.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. Why am I so selfish? Of course, I was not the only one who was losing my mind here. Although everyone was hurting, I felt like I was hurting the most. I love Emma and no women was ever swam into in my heart so deeply.

"I get it, I'm sorry, again." my voice was soft.

David gave me a slight nod, "Now finish your lunch and when we are finished we can go visit Emma to see if she's improving."

I held my head down low, sticking my fork into my salad before putting it into my mouth.

"Don't lose hope Killian, she's a fighter. I know it," he said soothingly. I lifted my head up once again, giving him a small nod in re-assure that I was now fine.

I had to be strong, for Emma. For us.


Walking into the hospital with David beside me, the familiar scent of it hit my nose. I sadly waved at the doctors as they waved back with a slight smile. Being here almost every day, I'd gotten to know basically every nurse and doctor in this building. They knew my state, what I was going through and most never did judge me knowing how rich I was or about my fame, and I grateful for that.

David and I stepped into the elevator as I clicked on the third floor where Emma's room was. Tucking my hand into my jean pocket I calmly waited as it went up. Once the elevator opened my eyes trained on the doctor's running near the end of the hall.

My eyes widen, what was happening? Walking closer I noticed doctors running into Emma's hospital room and pushing her bed out of the room.

I quickly sprint towards the rushing doctors, "Hey! Where are you going with my girlfriend?" I screamed, "What happening to her?" I panic following right behind them as they rolled her away.

"Sir, I'm going to have to tell you to backup," a male doctor calmly commanded.

My lips trembled seeing them rolled her bed away further, her pale body disappearing behind closed doors, "No you don't understand! I'm her boyfriend, I should have the right to at least know what going on!" I yelled in front of the doctor in anger, gritting my teeth as I corner him against the wall.

His eyes showed fear, "Sir could you please-"

"Stop stalling! And tell me now!" my nostrils flaring, my dark eyes glaring into the doctor's

The Silent Principle | Sequel to 'PBMJ'Where stories live. Discover now