Chapter Seventeen: Blood and Bones

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The power comes back on a few minutes later, but from the way the lights are flickering, I know that I need to hurry up and find my keys while I can still see.

"Jonah?" Dad calls to me from downstairs.

"What?" I call back, opening the top drawer of my dresser.

I hear Dad's footsteps coming up the stairs and then stop outside my door.

"I've just had the strangest phone call," he says. "From Arabelle Frost."

I stop dead in my tracks. I haven't told him that I went to see her. I didn't even ask him about her and why he lied to me about her being dead. I was going to, but after he told me not to interfere with the curse, I couldn't exactly tell him that going to see her was just the beginning of me looking how to stop the damn thing.

"Oh," I reply.

I find my keys sitting at the top of a shirt pile and internally jump for joy.

"I'm assuming you know who she is, too, considering everything else that you know."

Dad opens my door without knocking and I turn to face him.

"Where are you going?" he asks when he sees the keys in my hand.

"Why did you never tell me Arabelle was my grandmother?" I completely ignore his question.

Dad pauses. "Well if you must know, Jonah, my mother is crazy. It wasn't good for you if she was around. It was Julie and I that decided to put her into the nursing home in the first place. The curse or whatever you wanna call it got to her years ago. But I don't have time for that now. She called and said that she got a feeling that something is happening at Miller Mansion and she wants me to come and get her. Do you know anything about this?"

I look down at the keys in my hand and grab the sheet of paper that is the map for the tunnels- I have a feeling that it's going to come in handy in the very near future.

"I'm going there now. You get Arabelle, we're probably going to need her. I'll meet you at Miller Mansion. You have less than twenty minutes."

"Wait, what?" Dad chases me out the door as I run past him. "Jonah get back here this instant!"

But I don't listen.

I know that Nic is in trouble, and I need to get to her as soon as possible.

I grab my backpack and throw the sheet of paper in before checking that I have everything I'm going to need already inside. A flash light, first-aid kit, and a spare jacket.

I guess that will do, I think, before throwing my bag onto my back and running out the front door.

After opening the garage door, I jump on my motorcycle. It starts with a growl and as soon as I begin to drive forward, Dad runs out of the house.

"Jonah, whatever you're planning on doing, or whatever is going on, it's going to blow up in your face. That house is evil and you may have survived that last few times you were there, but eventually the things that live there, they get you. I was lucky. Julie was lucky. We got out before they started draining the life out of us, but you may not be so lucky this time."

I'm now outside of the garage, and the rain is growing even heavier than before, making it hard for me to hear him.

I have to raise my voice so he can hear me over the steady downfall of the drops.

"Yeah well, you know who else lives there?" I say. "My friend Nyx. And I'm going to save her. She's the only one that's ever been there for me. The only one who hasn't judged me. The only one in my life that hasn't kept secrets from me. I care about her a lot and I'm going to help her, the way that she's helped me."

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