Chapter Fifteen: Deeper into the Darkness

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A/N: what are you guys thinking so far?? Comment and tell me your opinions!😁

Having a week off school for midterm is something I didn't know I needed.

Now that we've found out pretty much everything we can, the question of what we're going to do next sits on our shoulders, weighing us down. Exhausting us.

I don't wake up until noon the morning after our visit to the nursing home. It's my first proper sleep since moving in. The first time that my dreams haven't been plagued by riddles and the first time that I wasn't on edge waiting for the black cloud to come and attack me.

So when I wake up, I find that I am extra nervous, expecting something to happen.

The house is eerily silent when I open my eyes, the only sound coming from the rain beating like bullets against my window. My new black blinds keep out any light that the outside world could have given and so, for a moment, I'm confused by my surroundings

The rain stopped for about half an hour last night- giving Jonah just enough time to give me a ride to my house and then for him to get back to his.

Despite my revelation about him and I, it wasn't awkward between us when it was time for me to leave. If anything, it was so normal, I nearly forgot that he had his arm around me for over an hour. 

I slowly slide out of bed, my limbs aching from walking so much the day before. I quickly make my way across the cold floor and flick my light switch, causing light to chase away the shadows residing in the corners.

I dress quickly, and then go to check on Mom.

Last night, she didn't acknowledge my presence when I went to her room to check on her. Her chest was heaving heavily up and down and her breathing sounded sort of raspy, but when I asked her if she needed help, she merely rolled onto her stomach and refused to even look at me.

"Mom?" I call when I get to her room. She doesn't answer.

I fling her door open to find her sitting up, staring out of her open blinds- her back to me.

"Do you want breakfast?" I ask.

Mom robotically shakes her head from side to side.

I sigh. "Okay. Just shout if you need anything."

Just before I turn to leave, I say, "I love you."

She doesn't reply.


I'm awaken by the sound of rain pattering heavily against my bedroom window.

My alarm reads just past five in the morning- an hour before my Dad is set to return. I'm going to confront him today. I can't wait any longer. I need to know why he kept something as important as my heritage from me- and why he never thought to tell me that my greatest wish would never come true. And most importantly, I'm finally going to ask him about Mom.

In the past, and even now, Mom is a rare subject between the two of us, and her death has never been fully explained.

"She was sick," is the only thing I've ever been told about it. But the one picture I have of her- the one that she supposedly died a few days after it was taken, I just can't accept 'sickness' as an answer. She looks so vibrant, so young, so healthy in that picture. . . And considering that something so large as a curse has been kept from me for this long, I wouldn't be surprised if the real cause of her death has been covered up.

I sigh heavily as I look at the empty spot beside me. The place where Nyx lay last night.

Even though I haven't known her long, when I'm not with her, everything is a lot different. It's quieter, it's boring. It's just what it was like before she came into my life.

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