Chapter Ten: Friendship

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"Jonah. . ." I whimper, trying to back further away from him.

Pain jolts through my wrist as I pull myself onto my knees. Holding up my good hand, I plead, "Please, Jonah. It's me, Nyx. Don't hurt me."

Jonah laughs wickedly, his black eyes boring into my own. Dropping the flash lights, he takes two quick strides towards me, and before I know it, his hands are gripping my arms- his fingers digging into my skin. I can almost feel the bruises forming under his touch as he pulls me up to my feet.

"I know that you have sinned," Jonah hisses. "And I am going to get the monster who causes you to sin out."


"Shut up!" he roars, and with with a surge of strength, he pushes me straight into the shelves which cover the hidden door.

I hit my head hard against the wood, and in my dizzy state, I see a few tubes and books clatter to the ground.

"You will listen to me," Jonah continues. "Or you will die a lot slower and more painfully than I have planned." He walks even closer to me, and once he is towering above me- looking down on me with those wretched eyes, he spits. "I was put on this Earth to see why the monsters inside of us make us do things that are not right. I want to know why I am like this- what makes me do the things I do. I want to open you up and find your monster and study it. And I want to take it away from its owner to make it feel how you did when it caused you to do what you did, you whore."

I don't know why I say what I do- but I guess it's because I feel like this could be my last chance to ever fight for something. If I'm going to die, then at least I know I tried without giving up.

"W-What did I do?"

Jonah freezes at my words, and I can see the disgust form on his face at my boldness.

"You know what you did," he fumes, and leaning down, grabs my arms once more.

This time, however, he doesn't throw me. What he does do, though, is push me up against the shelves- his hand around my throat.

He begins squeezing and brings his face close to mine.

Gasping for air, my hands shoot up and begin to try and prise his fingers away. But his grasp is one of steel, and stars begin to cloud my vision.

The moment I begin to accept death, the tightness around my throat releases, and oxygen fills my lungs.

Jonah takes a step back, and dropping his hands, lets out a cry.

"What just happened?" He looks to his hands and then back to me.

Gone are the blackened eyes and the yellow teeth- replaced by a vulnerable boy with wild eyes and a shaking lip.

"Nic, I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you?"

I begin to cry as I slide down the bookshelf into a sitting position on the cold floor. The flash lights that Jonah dropped lay a few feet away from me- casting the shadow of my hunched over silhouette on the opposite wall.

"Y-You," I try to say something, but it's like I have forgotten how to form a sentence as hot tears burn my cheeks.

Jonah crouches beside me, and using the hand he once almost killed me with, gently pushes back a strand of hair that has ventured across my forehead.

I flinch at his touch, and he quickly pulls his hand back.

"Nic," Jonah whispers.

What is one supposed to do in a situation like this? Has anyone ever even experienced something like this before?

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