Chapter Two: Unfortunate Hot Chocolate

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The voices of my parents float through the floorboards, giving me a first class ticket to their fighting. It's been so quiet over the last few weeks, I was expecting this to happen.

At my aunt's house, they couldn't  fight, considering the walls were like paper. And so, they held off on doing so. But I guess weeks of pent up anger and frustration is finally coming out, and it's bad. Very bad.

"Barbara!" Dad nearly pleads. He discovered the drinking flask. "You are killing yourself and you're hurting the ones that love you while doing it. What's making you do this? Are you unhappy? Have I done something? Just tell me so we can work this out once and for all."

I hear a sob from Mom. "I see the way you look at other women, Len. I'm getting old and you don't love me anym-"

"Stop." Dad's words are harsh and I find myself flinching at his tone. "Just stop. I have told you this so many times. I love you, but I can't handle this for much longer. I'm desperate, Barbara. I want the old you back, but nothing I do is good enough. You twist your actions to make everyone else suffer and I'm tired of seeing you play the victim. It's not fair. If you're not doing it for yourself, then do it for the children. They need their mother."

"I'll stop. I swear. . . I-I just need help." It's hard to feel sorry for Mom when her words forced and fake. I have heard her famous saying many times and each time, she doesn't get the help. Dad has even set up appointments for her and she just threw them back in his face. Said that he was forcing her to do things she didn't want to and that he was the reason she drinks.

Fed up, I don't listen to the rest. Instead, I put in my earphones, letting sad symphonies drown out an even sadder one mere feet beneath me.

I awake on my first proper morning in the new house to beams of light floating in through the small window beside my bed. I don't have curtains yet, so I'm just going to have to wake up when the sun decides to wake me up every day. I didn't sleep well last night- tossing and turning. It felt like there were lumps in my mattress that were doing their damnedest to make sure I couldn't find rest. When I finally did find sleep, I kept waking up. The feeling in my stomach never left- not as strong, but always there, nagging my insides.

As I open my eyes, I take in my strange surroundings.

At my aunt's house, I had to share a room with Eb, so it's unusual to wake up without the sounds of him either snoring, or trying to play some weird game.

The room is small, but I like it.
My bed is placed in one corner, diagonal to the door. Across from my bed, is my television stand which is yet to have a television placed on it. On the same wall as the door, is another door which leads to a small closet. There's nothing else in here yet, and it feels a bit drab, but I'm going to paint it whenever I get the time. The walls have a horrible green wallpaper with little dots of gold, and the floorboards are a dark brown. I can get used to the flooring, but the wallpaper has to go.

I climb out of bed and walk to the stalk of boxes that are piled beside my television stand. As I search for the box that says 'clothes', I notice how silent the house is.

I was expecting the house to be quiet- we have just come from a tiny house with six people and three dogs to a massive house with only four people spread throughout. I knew it would be quiet, but not like this. The silence that hangs in the air begins bothering me so much, that I have to grab my phone and begin playing some music. I know that I'm being stupid, but it's going to take me a while to get used to being in such a peaceful environment.

Once I'm dressed- black jeans, my trainers and a black oversized sweater- I make my way downstairs.

It feels nice finally having a house to ourselves. In a way, I felt as though we were intruding on my aunt and uncle's life. They didn't mind us being there in the slightest, but the house was cramped with us all, and I began to feel like I was in the way all the time.

Nocturnal [COMPLETED✔️2018]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें