Chapter 14

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After stopping at different gun stores, surplus stores and food marts across the country, the group arrived at the outskirts of Dallas, Texas. They were almost out of fuel and some supplies, but they were all so close now. Everyone was ready to get to the base. Although he was used to the splint that he fashioned out of sticks found alongside of the road and a wrap, Brandon needed proper medical care for his leg. Dylan and Nick wanted to get to some sort of civilization that was not infested with walking corpses. Tyrese wanted to regroup with what little of his squad may be alive. As for Jake, he was so anxious to be with Cassandra, and reveal to her that he was still alive and not lying dead inside a helicopter. They decided to keep pushing on I-20 until they arrived at the base.

"Guys, look!" Brandon alerted the group as he was pointing up in the sky. The group looked to the direction Brandon was pointing, and saw a bright ball of a reddish orange color in the sky.

"Flare," Tyrese replied. "Could be survivors over there."

"Or it could be raiders setting us up," Dylan added. "They might have flares too. Can't risk it."

"We're still search and rescue specialists," Jake replied. "We may be heading to base, but it's our priority to rescue and retrieve all who may be in danger. Do we have a flare we can signal them with?"

"Yes we do," Nick answered as he pulled out a flare gun.

Nick opened the door to the roof of the Hummer, pointed the gun in the air, and pulled the trigger. Immediately, a ball of fire rocketed towards the clouds, then slowly started to shrink. It was only seconds later when the group heard three quick gunshots fired in the distance, then three shots spread apart, and then three quick shots again.

"SOS," Brandon replied. "They need help."

The group started traveling to the direction the noise was coming from. As they were taking the exit to get on I-635, they heard a flurry of gunshots.

"Oh no," Jake whispered. "The survivors are in trouble. We need to hurry."

"What if it's a horde?" Nick asked.

"Whatever it is," Tyrese answered. "We can take it."

The group had more than enough firepower to take on any threat that they would soon face at their new destination. They have raided a couple of empty armory depositories and vacant police stations. Brandon's sniper rifle was full of rounds and he was carrying an ammo box full of extra clips. The turret on the Hummer was restocked with a full clip, and the group had five extra clips for it. They also carried a stash of extra rifles and shotguns, extra ammunition, and a couple of grenades.

The group arrived at Town East Mall, where the distress signal was coming from. They kept their distance because there was a heavy shootout taking place at the front of the mall. The people inside of the mall looked like they were defending it from raiders. One man came from around the back of the mall, holding a woman in a headlock, gun pointed to her head, nearly dragging her to the front of the mall.

"Let me go!" the woman grunted. "Help!"

Just then, the firing stopped. One rough looking man, who was probably the leader of the group of raiders, walked up to the trapped woman. Jake and his group heard nothing from their distance, but saw the man brush his hand against the woman's face, then the woman spat in his. Seconds later, the man struck her with the butt of the revolver he was holding. He then snatched her from her captor's arm, and tightly grabbed her by the neck and held the gun to her temple. The man finally spoke.

"Listen up, Pandejos!" the man shouted. "If you don't want this bonita's brains to color the pavement, you will lay down your guns, and set all of your food and water outside of the door!"

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