Chapter 10

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Sean, Matthew, and the other three mechanics finally replaced the head gasket in the bus. As they made their way back inside the bus, Miller stepped next to Nick, who was still cradling Sam's lifeless body, whimpering silently the entire time.

"Nick," Miller consoled. "We just finished with the bus. Do you want me and my men to wrap him up and bring him along? We can bury him properly at Benning."

"Thank you," Nick responded, resting Sam's head on the asphalt. "But we gotta keep moving. He would want us to keep moving."

Nick wiped the blood from his hands onto his pants before heading to the bus, sitting down in the driver's seat.

"Nick," Sean chimed in as he stepped near Nick. "Are you sure you don't want me to..."

"I'll drive," Nick interrupted as he started the bus.

Nick stayed silent as he reignited the bus, and began turning back on the freeway. Jake led the way in the work truck, and both groups continued their journey to Fort Benning. No one on either end spoke a word.

A few hours later, the bus began to overheat again, and the underside of the hood began to shoot up steam once more.

"This day just can't get any worse," Jake whispered as he peeked in the rearview mirror before turning on the emergency lights to the work truck.

While Jake pulled over in the supplies truck, a sudden jolt, followed by an abrupt halt, hit everyone occupying it.

'I just had to say something!'

Matthew stepped out of the work truck to analyze the underneath of it.

"Fucking G.I. vehicles," Matthew muttered. "The turning axle is snapped, Commander. This truck's done for. We don't have the parts to fix it."

"Alright," Miller responded. "Let's go check on the others and figure out a plan of action."

As the group stepped out of the work vehicle to check on the others, Nick, Sean, and Alana stepped out of the bus to check on the engine once more.

"The engine overheated again," Sean stated. "Think we got the wrong head gasket?"

"Figured so," Miller replied. "Thats not the only problem though. Our truck is done for as well."

As Nick silently strode to the side of the rode he saw Alana hurrying to the back of the bus, desperately trying to keep her composure. He and Jake followed her to the back, only to see her sitting down, with her back propped next to the bumper, and her head buried in her knees.

"Alana," Nick began.

"I'm sorry," Alana wept. "I should have headed back to the bus. I shouldn't have stayed there and look for that gasket."

"Alana, it's not your fault."

"Had I just gone back when everyone else did, Sam would still be here! It is my fault!"

Nick pulled Alana close and held her tight as she wept in his dirty blue t-shirt. Jake left Nick alone to comfort Alana and returned back to the front of the bus, where tension began rising with everyone.

"Look at us now!" Sean argued. He turned to Jake. "What are we supposed to do? We're in the middle of nowhere with two broke down vehicles! We lost a lot of people, Fort Benning is still a ways away, and it's almost dark!"

"We made it this far, didn't we?" Matthew responded. "We're still closer to Benning than before."

"I'm starting to wonder if Jamal was right!" A survivor intervened. "Things have went from bad to worse since we left!"

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