Chapter 11

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Three weeks have passed since Jake and the remaining survivors made it to Fort Benning, Georgia. Since then, he was assigned to lead a squad of soldiers responsible in the search and rescue of other survivors.

As the days progressed, Commander Miller met with the president, vice president, and secretary of defense in order to set up a temporary military branch called the Z-Corps, which would consist of all available military personnel making an effort to rescue survivors and drive out zombies in order to save and sustain humanity for the future. After hearing his proposal, the president made sure that all surviving bases around the country were notified; thus the Z-Corps was born. Since it was Miller that started this branch, the Secretary of Defense placed him in charge of the outfit as Chief of the Z-Corps, as per Sec-Def's orders. Miller appointed Jake as second in command, and a few other soldiers, including Brandon and Matthew, as officers.

The Z-Corps had many jobs as the majority of the military, but included three special operations: Spartans, Scavengers, and HR-Teams. The Spartans were similar to a riot control, and used the same defensive tactics as ancient Spartans, using riot shields and pistols to push back zombies. They were used in the event that an onslaught would attack the outpost, and were used as a last resort. The Scavengers were responsible for going out and searching for food, water, weapons, medical supplies, fuel, and other necessities. The HR-Teams, or Hostile Rescue Teams, would go out and rescue other survivors that made contact with the outpost, escorting them to the safety of the outpost.

Once things started to settle down and become more stable, Jake and Cassandra prepared to wed. Dylan, being the best man, made arrangements to the best of his ability. With the help of Brandon and Matthew, who were Jake's groomsmen, things begam to run smoothly.

The wedding wasn't huge. The only witnesses were Brandon, Matthew, Dylan, and some friends that Cassandra made while on the base, along with a few other curious survivors that passed the base chapel. Miller was asked by Jake to be the ordained minister.

The room was dark, but candles illuminated the place. Jake, Brandon, and Matthew wore their uniforms. Dylan didn't wear anything formal, but he found a dress shirt and a pair of clean pants, which was the best he had available. The bridesmaids did the same thing, wearing the best clothing they had available.

As everyone waited for Cassandra to show up, Jake appreared nervous.

"Yo, Jake," Dylan started. "You're ot about to pass out, are you?"

"Nah," Jake chucked. "I just can't believe it's happening."

"It'll be alight, Riley," Miller whispered. "Here she comes."

As things began to quiet down, Jake turned to the entrance of the chapel to see Alana walking next to Cassandra. Cassandra wore a nice green dress that one of the bridesmaids loaned to her for the wedding. As she continued down the isle, Jake stood mesmerized in the moment.

"Hi," Jake began, trying to hold his composure.

"Hi," Cassandra repested, giggling as she did the same.

"Now that everyone is here," Miller grinned. "Shall we begin?"

As Jake and Cassandra nodded, Miller began the marriage ceremony, giving eulogies thay Jake and Cassandra prepared for each other, as well as asking them to place their ring on each other's fingers.

"Jaycob Riley," Miller stated. "Do you take this lovely Cassandra Carter to be your wife?"

"I do," Jake answered.

Miller turned to Cassandra. "Cassandra Carter, do you take Jaycob Riley, as crazy as he is, to be your husband."

"I do," Cassandra chuckled.

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